"we don't want to create an us-and-them mentality with management"

Hey, dipshit, it IS us versus them! WE didn't make it that way!

Fucking politically illiterate libs. Literally think the fucking company is a family.

  • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
    1 year ago

    This group needs inoculation. Ideally it would've happened earlier but we never get ideal conditions, eh?

    A meeting to share stories of people who fought and won in similar workplaces would be good. And maybe where they failed due to trying to "work with management".

    If you don't have labor buds that could come in and share these stories from their own experience, see if there are active IWW or EWOC groups locally.

    • Changeling [it/its]
      1 year ago

      This this this. Regular meetings too, if that’s not already happening. These folks need to be taught the playbook so they can recognize it when it starts rolling out. By the sounds of it, it won’t be long, so this is super time sensitive.

    • AusbildungDerAusbild [comrade/them]
      1 year ago


      Very important. Especially liberal friends I know who prepared for work place action did fail when they weren't inoculated (cause they didn't present their demands or didn't push through).

      Funny enough those were and often are those that didn't want talk about inoculation, since it was so "hostile" and their boss is "nicer than those other bosses".

      Also having an active vote in which people have to actively say yes for action is sometimes helpful, to have this collective decision baseline.

      That said I had some success with "stress tests", to gauge what people were willing to do. The term I didn't know till recently, but basically seeing who does stuff and how they do it.

      • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
        1 year ago

        Yes, stress tests, i.e. structure tests, are also a great idea. See who shows up to meetings. See who volunteers to do actual things. The real structure test is the first real action, of course, which should be not just a list of demands but a walkout or similar.