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  • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Yes, mainstream anime is garbage.

    There is a difference vetween accepting the nazi argument and the fantasy argument. We're Hitler correct about inferior people the correct solution would be to help them not exterminator them.

    I know dialog is cheap. There are multiple scenes where characters talk about wanting to find a better way but the people with money don't care to try. The Bourgeois are explicitly called out for making it all worse.

    Which is exactly how the real world deals with sexual violence and mosquitos. If goblins like in the story were real but just killed a few poor people every now and again we would handle them exactly how the nobility in the show does. Just occasionally sending exterminators when profits go down.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Comparing goblins to mosquitos, even within the framing of the cryptofascist fiction where they're demonstrated to be intelligent in measurable ways except the writers say "no they're not, trust me bro," continues to rub me the wrong way.

      Goblins don't require magic sexual violence for reproduction in most of their versions in other, older, and more established fantasy, either. The writers just decided to include that both as a genocide excuse and, I still suspect, to get off to it. Female goblins exist almost everywhere else, and in almost all other fiction, goblins are intelligent and aren't compared to mosquitos either, even in settings where "born evil" is still a lazy and sus contrivance.

      • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
        1 year ago

        That is lazy on my part. However mosquitos are intelligent creatures and deserve life as much as any other. They just happen to be obligate paracites. Which is uncomfortable.

        Goblins are shown to be roughly chimpanzee smart, with similar temperament. The sexual paracitism was created by a dark God that hated people if I recall the lore correctly. Yes it is all fake and artificial. However if we aren't going to let the writer write what is the point of even having the conversation? Given the McGuffin constraints the show does interesting things with them. There is a bunch of dumb edgelord shit but under that is stuff more interesting than most random anime have. It is like French new wave cinema except the bar is lower.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I don't like scorched earth tactics like "mosquitoes have some measure of intelligence therefore killing a mosquito is exactly like killing a human being therefore maybe mosquitoes should never be killed or maybe killing humans all the time if they're annoying is also fine" arguments. There's degrees and extents and nuance that that argument is missing.

          Goblins are shown to be roughly chimpanzee smart, with similar temperament.

          So is exterminating chimpanzees acceptable because they do a violence sometimes? That argument is a nonstarter for me.

          • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
            1 year ago

            It is not exactly like killing a human. You should still try to find other ways. Similar goblins are not exactly like humans. Which is a point you are missing here. You can't have it both ways. If they are exactly like humans raiding villages and taking slaves would probably warrant war. Especially if you are a poor farm village. What could they do? Do they jail them? That is alot of mouths to feed in a hard winter. The nobility is not going to help them now. They definitely aren't going to pay for goblin rehabilitation. These aren't modern people. They don't have modern resources.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              1 year ago

              It is not exactly like killing a human. You should still try to find other ways. Similar goblins are not exactly like humans. Which is a point you are missing here. You can’t have it both ways. If they are exactly like humans raiding villages and taking slaves would probably warrant war. Especially if you are a poor farm village. What could they do? Do they jail them? That is alot of mouths to feed in a hard winter. The nobility is not going to help them now. They definitely aren’t going to pay for goblin rehabilitation. These aren’t modern people. They don’t have modern resources.

              I can and have heard these exact arguments for why immigrants/Muslims/unhoused and more simply must be dealt with in unfortunate but necessary ways. It's a disgusting argument and no amount of writer fiction contrivance hides the stench of cryptofascism in it.

      • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
        1 year ago

        The premise of the story is what do you do when you only have bad choices. It is grimdark. If we don't belive grimdark has artistic merrit that is fine. If we grant that it can however, the artistic statements made by this show are more interesting than those made many shows we would consider unremarkable.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          The premise of the story is what do you do when you only have bad choices. It is grimdark.

          Yeah, and it conveniently makes the "less bad" choice line up with genocide, thus why I call it genocide apologia. The fiction is conveniently set up for the writers' desires to be not only acceptable, but necessary for survival.

          the artistic statements made by this show are more interesting

          I disagree. There's plenty of other anime and manga out there that do the "otherfied monster simply must be exterminated" angle and I don't see the value of yet another. I don't even remember its name, but there's a sci-fi space exploration post-apocalypse thingy with glaringly black stereotype sexual violence monsters carrying off women and it's basically just Goblin Slayer with an older skin.

          • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
            1 year ago

            It isn't necessary for survival. The hero is the only one doing it. The rich are perfectly happy to let the occasional peasant village burn. If goblins are anyone they are white people raiding poor villages, doing sexual violence, and leaving without consequence. That is how we treat the indigenous in reservations to this day. That is the wild west. In which case killing the settlers would have been perfectly valid would it not?

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              1 year ago

              "The otherfied dehumanized intelligent vermin must be exterminated and only this poor isolated mass murderer has the will to do it" isn't exactly selling me on it not being cryptofascist apologia.

              That is how we treat the indigenous in reservations to this day.

              Actually, historical precedent is to call the indigenous people "not actually people" and make vivid fantasies up about how they're coming for their wives therefore exterminating them is not genocide.

              • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                1 year ago

                Yeah, the gimmick though is we actually did it. All the things we said we were afraid of them doing we did. We are not liberals. I am not hugely interest I what people say. I am interested in what people so. And we were an encroaching wave of paracites. Had there been a few more cracker slayers among the indigenous people history would likey have turned out better.

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  Clearly you've bought into the Thermian Argument and there's no talking you out of it.

                  I suppose I have nothing more to say and I'm done trying to convince you that dressed up plot contrivances to excuse genocide are still excuses for genocide.

                  • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    So you are telling me the plot is wrong, goblins are fully sentient reasonable creatures? Fine, what is the solution then? I know youbliek to write, so what is the answer to the riddle here?

                    • UlyssesT [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      I'm telling you that the plot is a conveniently contrived fiction made by writers that wanted a justified genocide, period. Fiction allows the fiction writer to conjure up any excuse they want to make what they want to happen happen and maybe even make it seem necessary or the lesser of whatever evils.


                      • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                        1 year ago

                        So you are saying, then, the only way to engage with the work is to ignore it completely?

                        • UlyssesT [he/him]
                          1 year ago

                          My way to engage with the work is to call it what it is: genocide apologia.

                          • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                            1 year ago

                            Which is not engaging with the work at all. It is really mid at best, so simply ignoring it is fine I suppose.

                            That leaves us with my point that I feel like it covers themes found in regular anime in more interesting and nuanced ways than most regular anime. Which you are free to not care about.

                            • UlyssesT [he/him]
                              1 year ago

                              Atlas Shrugged conjured up similar convenient fictional contrivances to push its own message, creating a conveniently crude series of plot rails to make the writer's desires necessary and desirable, no matter how horrible the supposedly justified actions are.

                              Your arguments could be used to defend Mein Kampf, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or any number of other chud/fascist writings, because in every one of those cases the writer already set the stage and you are demanding I humor the writer's fictionalized excuses for what they want me to believe and nod along to.

                              • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                                1 year ago

                                In GS the setting is grimdark but the plot is actually very wholesome. It is sus that killing animals is part of the setting and not the plot true. However, animals exist. You talk about fascist comparing people to vermin, which implies the existence of vermin. I do not feel you have justified ignoring the plots assertion that goblins are vermin. You don't have to, we don't have to have this conversation. If we are going to have to have the co versatile you do need to take the work on it's on merrits at least a little.

                                With ayn rand the setting is grimdark and the plot is terrible. The points the plot makes are disproveable in the plot itself just all a mess. If rand created magic worlds where you had to be nechian super men the plot would still fall apart because her solutions about what to do with that are terrible. If she created an airtight work of beautiful fascist fiction, as has be done from time to time, I would just not engage with it.

                                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                                  1 year ago

                                  but the plot is actually very wholesome

                                  If you seriously believe the wacky genocide hijinx are wholesome because the writers conjured up excuses for them that you buy into, I really have nothing more to say to you about this.

                                  You don’t have to, we don’t have to have this conversation.

                                  I'd rather not go further down this cryptofascist genocide apologia rabbithole, no matter how "wholesome" its writers supposedly presented it.

                                  • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                                    1 year ago

                                    Then we can agree that the show centers female agency in ways unusual for modern art and that is laudable? That really is the only point t I care about here.

                                    I would also say that fantasy genocide is a common enough part of even mainstream liberal art that in this moment it isn't really remarkable, but we have some disagreement there.

                                    I don't really care about the goblins, neither does the author, and neither do you. You care because you feel the goblins are secretly not goblins, but regular people. Which is a claim neither of us are really deeply invested in considering. However it is interesting to consider I think.

                                    Do I have what we are saying accurate here?

                                    • YellowParenti [they/them]
                                      1 year ago

                                      I don’t really care about the goblins, neither does the author, and neither do you. You care because you feel the goblins are secretly not goblins, but regular people. Which is a claim neither of us are really deeply invested in considering. However it is interesting to consider I think.

                                      Just reading along, this seems accurate? Would it be easier if the goblins weren't so humanoid? What if they were mosquitoes?

                                      • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                                        1 year ago

                                        That would just be aliens. Except anime hicks has anime ptsd and anime signorny weaver tries to help him to restore her faith in anime God. So a less good anime version of it. Which is still why better than most anime