good post

  • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    My original reply was out of line. I'm tired and angry.

    But as cathartic as it might be to say shit like this (and I'm guilty of it sometimes), I don't think its compatible with leftist ethos. I think leftism is about building a better world for everyone, not killing our enemies. And I think retributive justice is morally wrong and a waste of time that does nothing for anyone. I feel like a lot of leftists talk like they want to significantly reduce the human population with how bloodthirsty they come off and it really frustrates me. Which is why I got angry about this post at first.

    Unless the imperialists in question are an active obstacle to revolution, killing them is useless. Noone is helped (feeding retributive bloodthirst is not helping people). If there are strategic, practical uses for killing them, go ahead. But if you're just trying to satisfy your anger, noone is helped.

    Also not believing in the ability of people to get better and help the world after doing bad things is... really also morally wrong and against the leftist ethos. Class traitors exist.

    • artificialset [she/her, fae/faer]
      1 year ago

      I don't really care. If someone chose to put themselves above the lives of many and contribute to their deaths and the destruction of their country, they've gotta go. No questions asked. No resources wasted. The world isn't going to end because an imperialist gets what they deserve. In fact, it makes it very clear that this shit is unacceptable.

      Is it unfortunate that the sad lil 👉👈 soldier failed to realize cheaper college was not worth inflicting terror on millions? I guess, but that's what they chose and that should be the last choice they make. It's pure :brainworms: to think otherwise

      • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
        1 year ago

        This is such an immature, malformed worldview its barely worth engaging with. Yeah lets just shoot everyone who's ever done anything bad to avoid "wasting resources". Not like human life is valuable or anything, or people can get better. Its all about those wonderful resources. Thats what leftism is about. In fact thats the real reason we should abolish prisons. We can just shoot everyone. World population bellow 1 billion is a key part of revolution you see.

        Oh and unironically thinking "the death penalty is a deterrent" on a leftist forum is rich too.

        The world isn’t going to end because an imperialist gets what they deserve

        "The world isn't going to end" isn't the standard you should be using for the decision to FUCKING KILL SOMEONE.

        • artificialset [she/her, fae/faer]
          1 year ago

          Your imperialist apologia is what's truly anti leftist. You're doing it all over this thread and it's embarrassing

          • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
            1 year ago

            Not wanting to fucking kill people and believing in restorative justice for crimes isn't "imperialism apologia". I believe in accountability. I just dont believe accountability = death.

            • artificialset [she/her, fae/faer]
              1 year ago

              Youre never going to get me to care about the life of an imperialist. You should consider spending the amount of effort you're using to defend them to think about the victims of imperialism instead :very-smart:

              • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
                1 year ago

                I do care about the victims of imperialism. I think restorative justice does much, much, much more for them then retributive justice does.

                ETA: Its not about caring for their lives, its about what form of justice is actually useful and effective.

                • artificialset [she/her, fae/faer]
                  1 year ago

                  No, it clearly is caring about their lives for you. You've said as much already. The lengths that western leftists will go to defend imperialists is absurd

                  • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
                    1 year ago

                    Don't fucking assume shit about me. I did not say that anywhere. Do not presume to know my brain and what is going on inside it. As an autistic gaslighting victim I will not accept it. I own my brain and only I own my brain and the contents thereof.

                    What I said is what I said. This is about justice, and how to actually carry it out. I dont care about their lives as individuals, I care about human lives generally. And I care about the right way to perform justice.

                    ETA: Even from a practicality angle mass murdering 19 million military veterans with a bullet to the head is an absurd proposal lol. You can want it all you want but that isn't happening and its fucking silly to suggest it. Like if the revolutionary state really wanted to carry that out... fuck idk I wouldn't betray the revolution about it but I'd be vocally advocating against it. Mass murder is no joke. Eastern Germany didnt do it to the Wermacht. Even Soviet killings of Nazi POWs weren't indiscriminate.

                    • artificialset [she/her, fae/faer]
                      1 year ago

                      I don't have to assume shit, you've said as much here. If you don't wanna come off as an imperialist apologist, then stop doing it. I wholeheartedly believe this is what is to be done to the imperialists and that's because I don't downplay their choice involvement in the most destructive imperialist force. You're going to absurd lengths to defend them.

                    • usa_suxxx [they/them]
                      1 year ago

                      ETA: Even from a practicality angle mass murdering 19 million military veterans with a bullet to the head is an absurd proposal lol. You can want it all you want but that isn’t happening and its fucking silly to suggest it. Like if the revolutionary state really wanted to carry that out… fuck idk I wouldn’t betray the revolution about it but I’d be vocally advocating against it. Mass murder is no joke. Eastern Germany didnt do it to the Wermacht. Even Soviet killings of Nazi POWs weren’t indiscriminate.

                      Yea, executing 19 million veterans is impractical but also the idea that you will not execute any of the 19 million veterans is also impractical. I guess I'm a centrist.

                      I guess what comes off as Anti Imperialist apologia is the quick run to assuming that Leftists will not run trials or be capable of en masse winning these trials to execute the enemies of the revolution, The crimes has been commited and in many cases well documented.

                      Personally, I don't think executing your enemies or allowing them to live is revolutionary. The act that is revolutionary is the one that advances the situation in the current moment in time. Nicaragua doesn't have the death penalty but it has prisons. Regardless, it deported many enemies of the revolution despite them already being sentenced to prison sentence.

                    • Haterade
                      1 year ago

                      deleted by creator