🟢 Not your regular #Venice gondola ride!
🛶 The waters in #Venice's main canal turned fluorescent green on Sunday.
🚨 The Venice prefect has called an emergency meeting to understand what happened and study possible countermeasures
This is not funny, canals only do this when they're in extreme distress.
Wait it's supposed to be wine? Used to mix it with cheap vodka in my early 20s.
I think there are vodka cocktails with wine, or at least punches. My issue with all sugary alcohols is acids cleanse the booze flavor with 99% efficacy, while sugar struggles to achieve any cleaning, although it can mask well when dumped in. I'd rather just east a pickle or an orange than turn it into syrup
I feel like fortified wine is either banned in Italy, called something else that doesn't include the word wine, or has even more alcohol than Mad Dog 20/20 and tastes delicious.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, by 2035 20% of cities will be underwater and our tourism will, ironically, dry up. We need to think of a new gimmick!"
"There tend to be a ton of people when Chicago's river is terrifying toxic green. Should we try that?"
Please drink Venice water verification can to continue
Those slimy Italians are appropriating Chicago culture. I've had it up to here with those hand waving pasta munchers.
update: https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230529-venice-discovers-famed-canal-turns-bright-green-due-to-non-toxic-fluorescein
Venice discovers non-toxic fluorescein was behind turning canal bright green
The spectacular transformation of a stretch of Venice's Grand Canal to fluorescent green was due to fluorescein, a non-toxic substance used for testing wastewater networks, local authorities said on Monday.