Uhhhhh let me go clear

  • BlueMagaChud [any]
    21 days ago

    lol, I'm surprised he hasn't just to hang out with more celebrities

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      21 days ago

      I assume Obama roughly has three kinds of entertainment (etc) events.

      Public ones. Like maybe he, his wife, and their daughters (if they can arm twist them to go) - go see Yo-Yo Ma headline some kind of benefit.

      Semi-private ones. He doesn't care if his attendance leaks to the media - in fact maybe he does the leaking himself.

      Private ones. For example - If Obama wants to hear James Taylor play solo or with band - Obama could have one of his minions ask Taylor to play privately at Obama's compound or whatever he calls it. Obama still is the biggest rock star of politics to libs.

        • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
          21 days ago

          Made the call, took the fall, broke the laws
          Not my fault that they're fallin' off
          Known as fair and square throughout my years
          So I growl at the livin' foul
          Black to the bone, my home is your home

          And welcome to the Obamadrome!
