Andy NGO cried about how he was permanently maimed and couldn’t carry a fruit salad properly
When anarchists were pieing political foes a few years back, there was much hand wringing about pushing the pie tin too hard into the person's face, mimicking a punch. Oh, and whipped cream isn't :im-vegan:
Also Andy NGO literally said the shake had concrete in it and just perpetuated that chemical attack narrative until it became true in right wing circles
Damn, didn't even throw it, just walked up in and planted it in her face lol.
Wow so people you loony leftists you disagree with get a pie to the face, huh? :my-hero: was right, the woke mind virus runs deep in america. I disagree with her but I will defend her right to spread vicious homophobia to the death.
I always love this line because nobody disagrees with leftists more than other leftists, you'd think we spend all day calling each other nazis and punching each other
Seemed to the be the right thing to do, she was being a clown after all.
As heinous as she and as calculated as the gambit is, I appreciate the turning of the other cheek. Evangelicals today would just say “ah they got Demon on me” and start blasting
No kindness to fascists and opressors...they must be stopped no matter what
I couldn't keep watching when they started praying for the person who pied her. It felt like nothing more than a brainwashing tactic to further turn the country into a Christian ethnostate.