I gave my account to my parents and downgraded it. I had been paying for a more expensive account for the whole family to use, but only my parents use it really. So Netflix lost money from us but it seems like that's not the norm, which is disappointing but shouldn't be surprising I guess.
I was using a family member's but now I just stopped all together. HBO has better content anyway. Beef was the last thing we watched and that was good though.
I gave my account to my parents and downgraded it. I had been paying for a more expensive account for the whole family to use, but only my parents use it really. So Netflix lost money from us but it seems like that's not the norm, which is disappointing but shouldn't be surprising I guess.
I was using a family member's but now I just stopped all together. HBO has better content anyway. Beef was the last thing we watched and that was good though.