The constant harassment and abuse from speciesist reactionaries is what drove us off. But mentioning that part would ruin the narrative that vegans are the bad guys


  • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
    1 year ago

    It's okay and I don't even need an apology. It's 100% reasonable to be frustrated by comparisons between a less-persecuted identity that is a political position vs. a more-persecuted identity core to someone's existence. And we are all dealing with shit we shouldn't hsvr to. Just wanted us to talk as who we are, ha.

    I think it's a good point to say that "more negatively" is misleading in that quote due to it being essentially unquantifiable. And that this could be misused to say that vegans face more personal violence than groups for whom fewer people state a negative opinion/experience (but with, e.g., LGBTQ people facing, for example, terrorism far more often).

    Really, it should be possible to find unity in shared experience and empathy, but I think a site culture that forces defensive posturing is getting in the way.