• DankZedong
    22 days ago

    I think a lot about how, if the glorious violent Revolution never happens, every kid with significant medical needs in a hospital, every kid in a third world and even first world country without food, every slave working in inhumane conditions, every Palestinian that is on the receiving end of a genocide, every soul born into poverty because of the capitalist greed, will die.

    You can decide you're not willing to sacrifice your own life, but you don't get to tell everybody else on the planet they are collateral damage.

    • DankZedong
      22 days ago

      Because when you are in a place of privilege it is easy to condemn violence while the very system that is in place is in fact a violent one. Just because you can't directly see it, and just because you are currently not its victim, doesn't mean it isn't there. And sadly, violence is required to overthrow this system and to protect the socialist system that will replace it. Go tell a child slave in the cobalt mines in Congo that, uhm, akshually violence is bad so we shouldn't use it in our uprising, while said kid is working 14 hours a day or face starvation. Go tell Palestinians that violence is wrong when their land is being colonized for decades now. Please, do it once, for our amusement.

  • LeninsBeard [he/him]
    22 days ago

    Saying this shit while an untold amount of people die from lack of medical care in Gaza is some straight up ghoulish shit.

      22 days ago

      Somehow the genocide in Gaza is a moral conundrum that can be prolonged for as many months as needed until the western liberals make up their mind whether it's ok or not

  • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
    22 days ago

    Right now people with significant medical needs die everyday because they can't afford it. The ruling class literally decides who they deem to be acceptable collateral damage.

    Mark Twain Two Reigns of Terror Quote

  • TheDoctor [they/them]
    22 days ago

    Using the term “glorious revolution” sarcastically is pretty much a reactionary dogwhistle at this point.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    22 days ago

    The rightists could just hand things over after they lost the election or the majority of people want socialism, but of course that won't happen.

  • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
    22 days ago

    Okay, but have you considered that some of the bourgeois are neurodivergent, and minors??? Sounds pretty ableist, "comrade".

    Communism is cancelled.

    22 days ago

    Don't you all realize we'll have to shift from capitalist electrical grid to a socialist electrical grid? The transition time can take a couple hours. Better maintain capitalism instead to not risk that.

    22 days ago

    Jesus Christ, libs like this are the worst. Why even call yourself a “socialist” if all you do is whine about how difficult or terrible it’d be to actually fight the bourgeoisie and destroy capitalism.