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  • HntrKllr [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Call me a lib but here's my take. I know most chapos are Cis whites bros but as a cis Mexican bro I'm literally terrified for fellow latin brothers and sisters. I'm terrified for all of my non-cis brother& sisters. I grew up in a migrant camp in a rural area. I remember getting harassed by teachers and classmates alike in my small highschool. I remember being the only person of color in my honor classes and just feeling ostracized. I hope I'm just a doomer

    Sure I laughed but it was not of finding it funny. I laughed because I was overwhelmed with despair

    Edit: Not that I believed RBG was what was stopping the genocide of everyone not a "God fearing red blooded cis white republican patriot" but now what little barricades were in placed to stop that have yet again eroded once more

    • coppercrystalz [he/him]
      4 years ago

      As an Iranian but also not American, I don't think those barricades ever existed in the first place. The court was already majority republican, and I dont see how this changes anything.

      • HntrKllr [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Idk maybe since it's still early during my obsorbing of the info so I have lib brain rn but I guess it was a sense of false comfort when it was 5/4 and now 6/3 it's blatantly obvious.

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      4 years ago

      It is bad, and I don't think anyone here is unsympathetic to the fact that things are now just that little bit bleaker for a lot of comrades who don't have a lot more bleak to take.

      But it is hilarious watching the one semi-strong argument the libs had be blown out of the water, as they stand there holding Kopmala and Weekend at Biden's, who they don't even like but desperately pretend they do, while their institutions crumble around them.

      • HntrKllr [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Oh I did end up getting into it with a lib friend of mine who messaged me about this info I do hope they realize playing by the rules will get you no where when the other side doesn't care about the rules, keeps rewriting them or just outright isn't playing the game you are