Everyone seems to be making a big deal out of it so I guess she played some important role in yalls fucked up electoral system? I'm not in the states, please forgive the ignorance

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    She was one of the sacred judges on the Supreme court. She probably did face some sexism and shit with becoming a Justice. Overall she was just a liberal judge who sided with conservatives too much. She had two kinds of cancer in 2009 when Democrats could have replaced her on the court (she was 81 at the time). Instead she insisted on staying and Democrats didn't do anything. Then they all expected Hillary to get in 2016 and replace her with another YASS QUEEN. Except Trump won. RBG has been dying off an on since. Now she's actually dead and Republicans are going to just put a young fascist ghoul on the court which will make it easier for them to jam through their agenda, even under a democrat. SC appointments are for life.

    • cadence [they/them,she/her]
      4 years ago

      Ah, so the only reason it's a big deal is because it almost never happens, because SC appointments are for life?

      • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        It's a big deal for a couple reasons. One is that we went through this under Obama. A judge died and it was time for Obama to replace them (in an election year). Mitch McConnell said no because it would be wrong to replace a justice during an election year. Democrats just went along with it. This was after Democrats had a chance to replace RBG and stack the court themselves. And the absolute idiots were wanting to nominate a moderate/right justice because they thought by doing that, the Republicans would go along with it. Well they didn't. So Republicans got what they wanted and Democrats lost twice.

        The other issue is that RBG herself didn't want to step down out of hubris. She wanted to stay in as long as possible. Past the point of stepping down during Obama's last year so he could shove a Democratic justice on the court. Because they were so stupid they thought Hillary would win and it wouldn't matter. Appointments happen when a Justice dies or steps down. One of them stepped down and thats how we got the rapist Kavanaugh appointed right after Trump took office.

        So we're looking at a supreme court of far-right ghouls at this moment. Meaning that even when Republicans are out of office, they can still block whatever Democrats do. The SC can just rule it unconstitutional and shoot down anything Democrats try to pass.

        • asaharyev [he/him]
          4 years ago

          And instead of doing literally anything about this, libs will just scream VOTE!!!!! at everyone despite voting literally not mattering here.

          My vote can do literally nothing to change this situation, since I am from a deep blue state with two Dem senators. Like...ok, I can vote, but it literally changes nothing here.

      • Segorinder [any]
        4 years ago

        Yes, but the timing is the important thing, that trump can pick her replacement now. The democrats thought if Biden won he could pick the next justice, and that it would be a significant issue in the election to campaign on.