I think it's funny because me and my uncle are on like opposite ends of the political spectrum. We meet in the middle sometimes about stuff like how local news is propaganda, the American food industry is driving all sorts of changes to laws in the past about food safety thru lobbying. But then we'll disagree on some things too like the 'benefits' of an armed police force, how 'socialism' could be a possible solution to problems like crime and poverty. Anyway, yeah, I'm just too lazy to actually look into it. Show me some stuff about COVID, studies published in 2023 preferably. Thanks so much in advance.

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    1 year ago

    Look up the keyword "covid" along with the keyword "endothelial". There was a body of research finished in 2022 that concluded that the mechanism of COVID-19 symptoms was the weakening of internal "boundary" tissues, which is why you can not feel pain but still have all kinds of impairment.

    That said, you are not in a "logic, facts, and reason" scenario. Trying to openly argue against someone will strengthen their factional instincts and they will double down. There is a scripted "liberal vs. conservative" play that has been engineered on Facebook 50 billion times. No need to hash that out again and get nowhere.

    You have to do what Fauci and the CDC failed most miserably at: instead of trying to dispel the crazy, you have to harness it. Come up with claims that are more bold and outlandish and confident than what he has, and point the conclusions in a different direction. He's probably ready with the "that's what the MSM have gotten you to believe" line. Leapfrog him and use that line against him.

    I have a reactionary uncle who is vaguely aware that I'm some sort of lefty, but he really takes a liking to me because he thinks I'm crazy.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      1 year ago

      More resources (@Zuki and anyone else)

      The Alt-Right Playbook. A run-through of the media and public discourse strategies that reactionaries use, consciously or unconsciously.

      The Filter Bubble. Basically "how capitalism ruins the internet, The Book". A deep dive into the landscape of online media, and how personalized experiences and content eroded the points of reference we have with each other, and the ecosystems of social direction that emerge when the profit motive meets the psychology of tribalism and of perceived threat.