This had me cracking up. A friend was having an issue with their phone and was going to use mine to check their bank stuff as part of sorting it out. Went to get the app for their bank on my phone and oh my god. Two install links (the open said install when I first did it) and probably 80 of the screen is ads for completely unrelated garbage. Here's some bad games, a tv subscription, and a stock management app! Oh also I GUESS we'll also barely serve you the content you are looking for but not after thoroughly confusing you with the vast majority of your screen being covered in completely useless crap.
Literally the only thing they could do to make it worse is force me to install one of those other apps to get to the app I actually want. I guarantee they do this within the decade. Capitalism has no limits to how ridiculously profit seeking it gets. This is so ridiculous it feels like a bit but nope this is reality
We're returning to the days of internet piracy where you had to divine the correct download button out of 15 identical decoys
Except this time we pay for the privilege, and it's even more likely to be malware than it was before.
Big trying to find the right x to close to continue watching my illegal sports or WWE stream
Frankly jealous of that cute little mushroom I bet he doesn't have to worry about capitalism
The plot of this specific game is actually that you civilize all the monster people by introducing them to capitalism, and they all become your employees. Also you fuck them.
Not exactly capitalism, but mushroom season is close so a lot of those mushroom isekai will not get their harem endings.
Yesterday my thermostat was making me insane and the a/c wouldn't start. I ended up breaking my rule which is never watch Youtube vids for a technical problem - never, never, never! At one point I made a mistake and instead of opening the Youtube vid in a new tab - I opened it "inside" google which always annoys the hell out of me. My adblocker stopped an ad from starting but it wouldn't go away. It was a Democratic party ad of all things. One more annoyance.
I really began to wonder when google will finally do what it's been dying to do for years. They'll force ads to play on Youtube by making adblocker fails and they'll block all forms of downloading. It will be their way or the highway. In any case - the vids did help. I need to change my rule from "never" to "almost never". My a/c starting working sometime in the middle of the night so it was nice that I didn't wake up in a sweaty mess.
never watch Youtube vids for a technical problem
it's not like you can find articles or even forum posts for most issues anymore though, our illiterate society pivoted to video
"Immagive youfour ways that you canfix because [unintelligible mumbling]. And - oh, yeah - before datda [unintelligible] could beaproblem too. Gotta checkdat too [disgusting sound - clearing throat of phlegm?]..." At least put the four ways in a list in the description because I'm already getting the strong feeling this vid is a total waste of time. And clear your throat first please. Gargle or something. Goddamn.
forum posts
Google sometimes shows a "forum" link in the nav. But whenever I've clicked it - it's been pointless because the results mostly are Reddit or Quora links that already appeared in the "all" search. At least Reddit might be useful. Quora is usually crap.
God, I wish there was still a "blog" link. Damn google fuckers.
It's like trying to find the download button on a torrent website.
I swear to Christ that Last War has a bigger marketing budget than Call of Duty
This is like the fifteenth time I've seen it in the last few weeks and I have adblocks on everything
All the ads I see for it do not make it look any fun at all, and they've always got some random person who is pretending to be some cool streamer being all excited about it. It makes no sense.
Why are they allowed to outright lie about their product? Not only is the game not what they claim, but the people endorsing it are not playing it and outright saying that the gameplay isn't fake, even though it is
Every time I go to the google app store to update my apps I get lost. Yes I use F-Droid as well for other apps.
its so bad now even apple had ads on their App Store (still looks better than this, though... for now.)
I read an article yesterday where the second I stopped scrolling a giant blue border crept in around my entire phone screen with a Walmart ad.