Climb into our sub with visible seams and front-opening hull, control the sub with a 2010 Logitech F710 controller ($29) in Bluetooth 3.0 mode (underwater) with KontrolFreek™ FPS thumb grips that I found in my basement!
Our state of the art submarine runs Windows 10 Home Edition, no mechanical controls! Fly by wire!
From The Guardian article on the sub
is going to build an even riskier shittier sub to rescue that sub then call it's owner a pedophile on twitter when the coast guard doesn't use it.
Why would they put that...on something that goes underwater.
Nuclear submarines have to communicate by very low frequency waves, which are extremely (slower than a dit-dah-dit telegraph) slow.
It's on the ghing above water is what I heard, so not actually used to communicate with the sub. Kinda misleading I think. I could be wrong.