• DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Milked a bullshit story for a week. Now that the titty is run dry of milk and it's obvious the crew were dead-dead from the get-go, time to get the final headline in: Leftists Are Meanies.

    Lol. Fuck off. Anyone with half a liberal brain (which ends up being like 20% of an actual brain [don't ask me why - I'm not a geologist or anything]) knows those shitheads had no right or reason to be fucking around down there to begin with. Where's that story?

    Also, totally ha-ha-fucking-hilarious the news media has known from word one this shit was a non-story and they still pushed it for a week. Reminds me of those goddamned weather balloons. For nearly a week they've toyed with regular people's emotions over the most non-starter horseshit this side of Man Bites Dog. Lololol But people laughing at this circus - they're the mean ones.

    Ffffffffffuuuuuuuck offffffffff.

    • Rom [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The "wokeness killed the Titan crew" narrative is already in full spin.

    • adultswim_antifa [he/him]
      1 year ago


      I hope people will look back at our era and say we were fools to let yellow journalism get so out of control.

      • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I'm a little older (than the average poster here) and I try to tell people my age, it's not a conspiracy to disregard mass media. Think about it - they tried to tell you China was spying on us using weather balloons.


        • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Same. I'm from the USA and the amount of fear mongering about China (and Mexico) our biggest trading partners just comes across as myopia.