, or maybe even dupe yourself into believing you don't have it anymore

  • PZK [he/him]
    1 year ago

    It is a mix of them living a comfortable life while just being afraid of current events... and being kinda stupid.

    A former friend I had went from being a Marxist to a Neo-liberal simply because his views are based on what media he is consuming. While I understand that this would affect anyone, he is one of the most impressionable people I have ever met. Youtubers moved on from "leftist" content because they fell out of the fad. He had never understood any theory and is so afraid of imminent fascism (from a liberal perspective) that he thinks that by embracing capitalism, it will keep fascism at bay. Yes, hes a moron. Also he has a massive ego and absolutely no self-awareness, so he would lecture you like he is a well read expert that has always believed something despite just repeating what he heard from his pundits in the past week.

    I ended up cutting him off because he was insufferable. It is one thing to agree to disagree to co-exist with a long time friend, it is another when his personality is so corruptible.