• electricaltape [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    With regards to anti-aging its one of the things I actualy have hopes for it will succeed in some fashion, the humanitarian arguments far outweigh chapo.chat's struggle sessions and people realy, I mean realy underestimate just how much pain and suffering age related diseases and symptoms actualy causes to society.

    There's literally a comment up top that says:

    Aging is not a disease. There’s nothing wrong with being old.

    And while I get that sentiment in terms of anti-age-discrimination I also think they are not seeing your and biden's overall point.

    For example EV and electrification gets shit on by being associated with Musk despite China actualy being by far the biggest leader in the field now, the fuck cars crowd doesn't let go an inch, and to be absolutely clear here its not like they're wrong inherently, I don't even like cars at all in particular, but the point here is because cars suck in the context of western capitalist society everything to do with it must also suck regardless of context.

    Or if you point out that in rural and suburban places oftentimes a car is a must, you'll get told that you're "carbrained as f*ck" (that actually happened to me). I mean yeah a world with less cars would be great, but some online leftist isn't going to be able to wish it away just like that. I thought the whole point of socialism was that it was a transition from capitalism to communism, not some kind of instant utopian thing.

    One of the main problems with this site is people tend to make literaly everything, and I mean everything a guilty by association exercise and it seems to be getting worse in the past 6 months. Sometimes its treat wars(e.g anime used to be such topic until some of these posters decided to chill about it) or sometimes its just technology(chatgpt was a huge struggle) or things that exist under capitalism that people will just contextualize it in the worst way possible.


    People will still say things like "unironically death to all anime" just because they personally don't like/watch it. At this point its getting tiring. I wonder what actual marxists that have political power in places like Cuba or China think about these technological advancements (I bet that at least in Chinese universities they are researching this stuff, they wouldn't just let only western unis do this stuff).