I'm in a bit of a crossroads in my life right now. I've been in junior college for a while now, with the intention of transferring to a university and eventually getting a masters in history. It's my intention to become a professor at the junior college level, but I have my doubts. I know what the job market in academia is like, though it isn't quite as bleak where I live. My grandfather is also offering me an opportunity to work for him and learn from him. He's incredibly skilled in a very esoteric trade, and he pays pretty well. My uncle and brother already work for him, and they seem to enjoy it. Thing is, it's a big commitment. 80-100 hour weeks at times, sometimes out working in extreme heat, and it would keep me away from home and away from my girlfriend. All of that I can live with, but I know it would nag at me, the thought that I could've done what I'm really passionate about (i.e. teach history), which it must be said is probably an easier life than trade work.

What on earth should I do? I'm at the point in my life that I should be making some real money, though I'm not hurting for it right this moment. If I can't get the degrees without a mountain of debt, I likely just won't do it, but even if I can manage that, I'd like to know that it won't be impossible to find a job that doesn't involve treading water as an adjunct.

Edit: Wow, I did not expect this many responses. Thank you all so much for your kind words and insight. If nothing else, you've all reassured me that I'll probably be alright either way. I've at least got a fair few options to choose from, and I know many would gladly trade places with me. I'll do my best not to waste it.

  • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I worked with a few of their field biologists last year, planting Joshua trees in the Mojave desert after a large stand of them was wiped out by a wildfire. I fell in love with the idea of doing projects like that for a living right then and there, but I have no idea whatever how to get into a career like that

    cam'on ask the joshua trees guys. they won't mind.

    Look, you're young and your head is full of ideas. What you need is, well, not a Plan per se, but some long term information. Your grandad's proposal is a pre-packaged debt free plan already. If you want to go the park ranger route, you gotta ask around and see if there's qualifications you can achieve - college or otherwise - that opens more opportunities down the line first. If you want to go the teacher route, you shouldn't just gun straight for academia, you gotta consider your possibilities as a school teacher as well, because that might be the opportunity that will turn up for your life. And with your grandad's business, well, you gotta see how far you came make into it, what courses you could do to help out, and what sort of work/life balance you can achieve.

    I love teaching kids. It's great. At least whenever there's job openings to that effect. But with history in particular it's not uncommon for people to dropout and become white collar workers of one kind or the other. Just understand that the time you've spent already at school gives you a horizon of things that academic history students do to acquire the knowledge and the skills needed to write history. And you don't have to be a historian to engage with it.

    • YuccaMan [he/him]
      1 year ago

      You're right of course, and really, little of what you're telling me is anything I didn't already feel deep down. I'm looking for certainty, but there's no such thing. What I do have is opportunities, and sooner or later I'll just need to pick one and ride the wave.

      • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
        1 year ago

        You're right, there's no certainty. You'll have to pick a future, and ride with it. And it will be ok to regret it, even if a little bit. As long as you don't lose sight of yourself. There will be things in your life, experiences, that you'd rather not lose even if you could 'reset' and try another path. Those will keep you earthed and capable of carrying the weight of your choices, of your regrets and achievements both.

        But seriously that's probably easier to do at 25+USD an hour.

        • YuccaMan [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Ha, tell me about it. And that's just for starters. The more work we get and the more I learn, the better it would get. And if not, I'd certainly learn skills I could take elsewhere.