(can't post link currently as their site is down again lol)

Not only did they not differentiate gender between cis and trans, it also came out that they're like 80% white and they instantly got into a struggle session because the admin said that number was "unfortunate" can't make this shit up lmao

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    A lot of US latinos are pretendians too. Ask them to list a tribe and you'll get a vague "Aztec" or "Mayan." Maybe Nahual for the more educated ones.

    This site does have a pretty strong white slant, but the anglosphere internet as an entirety does. There's been an uptick in Indian, African, and Caribbean voices; but it still gets drowned out by majority white voices. I personally go back and forth between here and Spanish social media pages, but it's not like the issue doesn't exist in Spanish spaces either. You'll still get plenty of white Latin Americans and Euros whining about stupid shit.

    • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
      1 year ago

      I used to be friends with this white puerto rican girl. she was awful for many many reasons , but one of them was that she only identified as taino like if you called her white she would get upset and say she was indigenous. I would ask her things about taino culture at first until I realized she literally knew less than nothing except this weird noble savage fantasy. Also this girl was as white as the driven snow and would constantly complain about how brown hispanics treated her so badly for being "Light skinned".