I was boredly looking around YouTube on this Sunday morning and in the mood to watch some bozo talk about anime, maybe get some insights, discover some obscure hidden gem and the like.

However, I found it surprisingly hard to find quality in that scene, beyond niche video-makers like Kenny Lauerdale. Thus I was wondering if you have any recommendations of some people you like making videos about anime.

  • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
    12 days ago

    hazel makes a lot of cool videos - not always anime

    Colleen's Manga Recs is pretty cool. Mostly works around josei and shojo stuff, which isn't my typical genre, but very helpful to broaden my horizons.

    I could probably recommend more podcasts than YouTube channels, but that wasn't the assignment lol

    Edit: fixed some autocorrect spelling errors

    • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
      12 days ago

      Oh yeah Hazel, forgot about them but they're definitely a low output, high quality channel. The latter sounds interesting, I'll check some of these videos out.

  • Awoo [she/her]M
    12 days ago

    Good anime youtubers are pretty hard to find, you often end up seeing them make like 1-5 videos where 1 was extremely controversial to anime fans (reactionaries) and then they stopped making videos forever. An obvious example of this is the Goblin Slayer ideology video https://youtu.be/VPX2fWgoiyg This person was a great video maker and just disappeared and unlisted this video because of what it stirred up, a real shame.

    • StalinStan [none/use name]
      12 days ago

      Yeah, goblin slayer is too tough a subject for anime fans. They as a rule don't have the artistic literary to not have the worst takes about it. I know my takes are awful about it.

      • Awoo [she/her]M
        12 days ago

        The problem is when a show is good in a number of ways people switch their brains off to criticism unless the criticism is so blatantly obvious that it can't be ignored. You can see this with Attack on Titan which they generally accept deserves criticism for its blatantly fascist message. Since the issues with Goblin Slayer are hidden within the art and framework rather than the explicit point of the story this gets lost on them.

        • StalinStan [none/use name]
          12 days ago

          I just like the show about a guy who fights to protect the poor people the government ignores because it is the right thing to do. Then everyone sees how cool he is for doing that and become his friends.

          • Awoo [she/her]M
            12 days ago

            Yeah and that's ok. It's the framework and everything around it that is sus. Ranging from the idyllic towns and villages that basically all look like Hitler paintings, to the obvious depiction of women in the show (other than the elf) as tradwives, not to mention the obvious "we must perform genocide" aspect of the goblin menace. Yes the goblin menace might actually be evil but that doesn't mean it's not a standin for a certain message, which becomes clearer when you take into account the artistic elements. All the features of fashy shit are there and ooooooo boy does its community and "fanart" audience love SA.

            • StalinStan [none/use name]
              12 days ago

              I feel like being fash and enjoying sexual violence is the background radiation of anime in general though.

                • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
                  12 days ago

                  For real. The only shows I've seen that meet those criteria are things I intentionally hate watched like Cross Ange lol

                  • StalinStan [none/use name]
                    12 days ago

                    I feel like most mainstream stuff. Think about the trope of the fall into chest stuff. That is like ever classic anime you know?

                    • Cromalin [she/her]
                      12 days ago

                      here's some great anime that neither enjoy sexual violence nor fascism. there's plenty more out there, sex pest stuff is hardly "every classic anime". some of these may have some in it but they certainly aren't enjoying it

                      • revolutionary girl utena
                      • serial experiments lain
                      • turn a gundam
                      • millennium actress
                      • showa genroku rakugo shinju
                      • inu-oh
                      • madoka magica
                      • keep your hands off eizouken
                      • liz and the blue bird

                      also it's real fucking gross to say "a poor taste joke is exactly the same as on screen sexual assault with deeply fash vibes" there's a big difference between urusei yatsura and goblin slayer

                      • StalinStan [none/use name]
                        11 days ago

                        Goku does some unfortune things but because it is always played for comedy people don't think about it.

                        • Cromalin [she/her]
                          11 days ago

                          you'll notice i didn't include dragon ball on the list of anime that didn't have sex pest stuff or fascism! and again, there's a big difference between dragon ball and goblin slayer

                          you're basically saying "all 80s movies love sexual assault, so it's fine that i like revenge of the nerds," and when i respond with a list of 80s movies that don't have any sexual assault or harrassment in them you say "well have you seen how han treats leia in star wars?" those are two very different things! both are bad, but they are at very different levels of it

                            • Cromalin [she/her]
                              10 days ago

                              wait you think people dislike goblin slayer BECAUSE it shows sexual violence as bad? you think the people who dislike goblin slayer are sitting around going "oh if only there were more wacky sexual harassment i might like this show"?

                              the problem with goblin slayer is that it shows the sexual violence in a way where it clearly expects the audience to be jacking off and there is no amount of arcs where characters process trauma that will undo that. your standard anime shittiness simply does not compare

                              • StalinStan [none/use name]
                                10 days ago

                                Ehh, the first scene of the first episode is questionable. It is 50/50 among reviews if it is done well. Clearly not perfect or the discourse wouldn't exist. SAO was contemporary had more violence of that nature. It was clearly ment to be fun in that show and people do not give it the same level of hate. There is a charitable reading of the work that sees the author ment to say sexual violence was bad. Which is far enough from mainstream anime opinion that I think people have trouble processing it.

                                • Cromalin [she/her]
                                  9 days ago

                                  i have to ask again, you think the problem people have with it is that it says sexual violence is bad? you think that's why people dislike it?

                                  the sexual violence in sao is also supposed to be bad! they kill the guy who does it! that doesn't excuse the framing, it's still a bad show that handles its sexual assault poorly, but framing sexual violence for titillation is so often combined with setting up a villain and showing just how evil he is. it shows up all the fuckign time, including in series i otherwise love. goblin slayer is worse than most in that it spends more time on it and it's way more explicit than it usually is, and it's the first impression the show gives you

                                  • StalinStan [none/use name]
                                    9 days ago

                                    Yes. You rember the movie irreversible? It had pretty much the exact same discourse. The goal was to make a scene impossible to enjoy. However the nature of film is that is hard to do. We have hentai. We know what it looks like when that kinda thing is made to be enjoyed. It doesn't look like that. Obviously the execution was lacking or we wouldn't be having this conversation. I think the average anime fan's take on this is based on their discomfort with the scene and transferring their negative emotions to the show. Which is not completely invalid. I do not think the work deserves the work of getting past that. It never really earns the payoff for setting that scene up. However for the rest of the 23 episodes I think the show works in ways that are really dissimilar to other anime and is artistically interesting. If there was a recut that handles that first scene as they do it the rest of the work I think the reception would be entirely different.

                                    However no, the sexual violence in SAO is supposed to be enjoyed. Some as titillating, and some as cathartic. In GS it is supposed to be grimdark and impossible to get catharsis from. The work doesn't accomplish it's goals fully. It comes enough to be interesting though I think

                                • booty [he/him]
                                  9 days ago

                                  SAO was contemporary had more violence of that nature.

                                  Hold on, it's been a long time since I watched the SAO anime and I never watched past the first two arcs. But I've read every SAO light novel that is translated to English, and I'm pretty sure there are like maybe 3 or 4 total instances of attempted sexual violence in the entire thing, and none of them actually get anywhere.

                                  • StalinStan [none/use name]
                                    9 days ago

                                    I guess it depends where you draw the line. I am calling female characters being non-consentually posed at the camera by tentacles sexual violence

                                    • booty [he/him]
                                      9 days ago

                                      Huh. I guess the anime must have really deviated from the books lol

                                      Not that the books are good, they just don't have very many instances of that particular flavor of bullshit

              • Awoo [she/her]M
                12 days ago

                Certainly for a certain strain of anime.

    • Yor [she/her]M
      8 days ago

      Opening up fearmongering about evil North Korea and China is cringe tho

  • StalinStan [none/use name]
    12 days ago

    Super eyepatch wolf is good.

    I think mother's basement is probably tolerable.

    There are a bunch that make like two good videos then stop posting. Moon channel is good.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      12 days ago

      MB released some cringe video a while back. I couldn’t find it because i realized he took it down lol. It was about how you shouldn’t pirate anime

      • Comp4 [she/her]
        11 days ago

        Thats just basic libshit though... with anime youtubers I would be more worried about them being rightwing or straight up nazis.

  • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
    12 days ago

    Pause and Select was my favourite anime channel, but he got busy irl and doesn't make that much content anymore lea-sad

    Zeria and Pedantic Romantic were also good but they kinda disappeared. Short rule of thumb, if a Youtuber makes a video about Revolutionary Girl Utena (and "gets" it) they're usually cool and good.

  • Cromalin [she/her]
    12 days ago

    pyramid inu mostly does classic mecha anime (especially tomino's gundam) but has room in their heart for other things, including some live action stuff

    (pronouns not listed but the vibes make me lean gender neutral to be safe)

    • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
      12 days ago

      Ah, them. I've seen some of their videos already. There's also Retcon 404 who does old Mecha reviews, I just remembered.