Don't a lot of places lock dumpsters? Don't people get trapped in them too?
it's literally illegal lol like the cops will roll up on you
unless I'm wrong about that idk my dumpster diving experience has been not getting caught
Some places its actually legal I think but definitely not all and that won't save you from police harasssment, tresspassing charges, etc.
in practice if the police enforce it it might as well be a law.
I used to do that but then everyone in town started locking their dumpsters
dumpster diving is cool, an ex gf in college got me this really nice trench coat that fits perfectly.
man, I wish I weren't a liberal dating a crust punk anarchist back then, if only I could have read theory sooner we coulda rode the rails together, as it was I don't know how she stood me
I mean depending on how long ago this was, dating insufferable liberals might have been the kind of thing you just kinda had to do as a sexually/romantically active leftist.
Then again, maybe she was one of those "I can fix (them)" types
I work in a kitchen and the amount of food waste is insane. I throw out like 5 buckets of food waste per day, it's easily enough to feed dozens of people in each bucket.
Look, you can get fined for dumpster diving where I live. It's rare, but it happens. Also, 45 dollars a month for something that can potentially cost you 100 dollars is not worth the opportunity cost.
That law is on the books in many places, but how often is it actually exercised? As far as I know, the store itself can't levy the fine so they would have to detain you long enough for cops to arrive. It seems like it wouldn't be worth anyone's time to bother unless you kept returning daily after being warned.
Dudes will literally kill someone they thing is shoplifting, even if they haven't shoplifted. Only place in the world you can draw a gun on another civilian for sampling a Walmart grape and have no consequences.
Remember kids, most of the stuff that's thrown away in a grocery store dumpster is still completely fine to eat. Grocery stores destroy an incredible amount of perfectly good food.
"In the satanic American empire, they force their colonized people to eat garbage"
I used to do food rescue for many years, and I can tell you, if you can avoid getting caught, this is an easier way to get the food that stores throw out. Our agency didn't distribute the food, just collected it from local businesses, chains, and grocery stores. The people it went to would distribute the food, but it was a federally funded nonprofit, and the process of actually getting the food was super means tested as a result.
All the grocery stores around me throw their waste right into a compactor
: "You will eat our table scraps and you will be happy. But better watch out for those leftists, they might force you to eat icky vegetables."