Authoritarian red fash main mods made me move it here:

"Somehow people on f/196 can see this ultra creepy lib saying all this disturbing shit on video and then swear up and down "it's being taken out of context", "he explained it was just a joke", "no, actually watch the videos, he's not saying any of that". Guess why they feel the need to gaslight everyone and pretend we're not looking at what's right in front of us? Rhythms with Fido."

"for some reason the left, both tankies and anarchists are obsessed with shitting on him. I think its because he criticizes the left and advocates compromise. Something a large part of the left considers the worst sin of all, even when for example the very ideology of anarchism is built up on making decisions that satisfy all."

"Because i actually watched the video the clips come from and don't trust the word of a fucking tankie (which isn't very anarchist of you people btw) if you actually want to know the context this entire tweeter thread was debunked by vaush"

"i'm not defending Vaush. i'm attacking leftist discourse. This thread was not created because some autist admitted to jerking to hentai. It was made because leftist love infighting. Even when in the real world when pushing for change leftists are often forced to work together."



  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    1 year ago

    "anarchist children would be raised better than to let anyone molest them"

    This is one of the dumbest statements I have ever heard in my life

    Hey google, what is power imbalance

    • CommieCretzl [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I should quote them directly to be fair to them.

      Also children reared in an anarchist society would already be giving/refusing consent on diverse subjects already and have much better ability to sniff out stinky situations themselves or have a decent enough circle of trusted friends/family to help them work through it.

      27 upvotes, no comments

      • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
        1 year ago

        That's really not much better. That's just not at all how that works. The molesters are the trusted friends/family more often than not, that's the entire problem. How would an anarchist society be any better in this specific regard??

        I know you're just quoting that comment, but I'm shocked that literally nobody is apparently pushing back on this within the thread

        • CommieCretzl [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Definitely not any better. Honestly a shocking thread and I expect so much better from leftists.