Imagine swimming across the river to find a McDonald's, "Aw fuck, we gave up a better life in the GDR for this?" Freedom fries, indeed
Don't read the comments
Imagine swimming across the river to find a McDonald's, "Aw fuck, we gave up a better life in the GDR for this?" Freedom fries, indeed
Don't read the comments
Unironically the funniest reddit comment i've ever read
"What the Pinochet regime did only sounds bad if you completely ignore the surrounding context that gave rise to it in the first place.
Most people don't realize just how terrified the middle and upper classes were across the West by the rise of communism. Communists were carrying out class-based genocides in the East which killed millions of innocent people, and which also brutally oppressed billions more. And communism was spreading like wildfire among the masses all across the Western world - as evidenced by the November Revolution, which was trying to implement a Soviet-style regime in Germany.
Early fascist leaders and thinkers like Mussolini and Hitler didn't think that the other two major alternative political systems of their era (i.e., monarchy and liberal democracy) were capable of standing up to this extremely militant and revolutionary new movement. And so they created an equally militant and totalitarian revolutionary movement in order to fight fire with fire. And it worked quite well since fascists completely crushed the communists in Italy, Germany, Spain, Chile, et cetera.
And so if communists took over America - whether by armed revolution or via the democratic process - then I'd 100% support the U.S. government going full fash in order to completely annihilate them. Because at least with fascism you get decent economic policies; whereas communist economic policies are pure cancer which completely sabotage your entire economy and ruin your standards of living.
I also highly recommend that people watch this [1][2] documentary in order to better understand why Pinochet did nothing wrong."
Pinochet.... did nothing wrong???? lmfao
Fuck, that comment is peak Reddit. It should be engraved on the tombstone of the fucking internet.
"Pinochet did nothing wrong, take it from me, 'NotAFascist1488'"
deleted by creator
I like how they just have to lie and be stupid for any of their bullshit to make sense or be true. It's the only way to say a rapey zoophile who ruined and terrorized his country for foreign business interests is a-ok.