So fucking sick of people like this. They genuinely believe that every single homeless person in America is a hyper-visible, unmedicated schizophrenic who's too mentally ill to want to get off the street. Never mind that the vast majority are members of the working poor and live in cars, friends' places and transitional housing—doesn't get more invisible than that.

Universal housing would effectively solve the homelessness crisis and every counterargument is actually a supporting one if you have half more than half of a braincell. Yes, a lot of homeless people need additional (i.e. psychiatric) help, BUT THEY ALSO NEED HOUSING because poverty literally exacerbates mental illness. Yes, libraries shouldn't be treated as homeless shelters, which is WHY HOMELESS PEOPLE NEED HOUSING. Yes, a lot of people who're forced to live in squalor on a literal street corner smell, which is why THEY NEED HOUSING so they can have basic dignity and access to a shower.

  • NoGodsNoMasters [they/them, she/her]
    1 year ago

    I think looking at the things people say about homeless people is one of the best litmus tests for seeing who's really a reactionary. I don't care if you consider yourself a progressive or a leftist or even if you claim to support policies to help homeless people, if you're talking shit about them it's obvious you're a reactionary at heart and I will not trust you.

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      1 year ago

      Absolutely. Liberals are as deranged as fascists when it comes to the homeless. They'll barely hide their contempt for homeless people while covering every flat surface with spikes so homeless people can't soil a ledge with their homeless asses.