Any bets on whether or not all the libraries are being removed in majority non-white districts? Do we even need to check?
Every district in Houston ISD is majority non-white as far as I know
They are just removing the pipeline from the school to prision pipeline.
And then they'll need to tighten "discipline" in order to fill them.
School to Prison Rail Gun
applying his experience as a diplomat in doing shock therapy on public schools
Houston recently lost administrative control over its own school district. The state manages it now, and this is the kind of thing we get.
"Kids with behavjoral issues will be sent"
I hipe qhoever came up with this gets waterboarded to death
I sometimes get the feeling all the boomers growing up on 80s teen movies where exactly this type of shit is what the bad guys do have directed their hate at youth retroactively somehow and now sympathize with the antagonists in these scenarios because at least they're doing something about the unruly youth
Robinson said the former superintendent, Millard House II, made efforts to keep library staff
the first time in history a "Millard House the Second, Esq." is on the right side of history