That's the struggle session for the day

    • skollontai [any]
      4 years ago

      Wow, you're super angry. Did you have a bad day at work or something? That sucks, solidarity with whatever struggles you're facing!

      A lot of this doesn't really seem to be related to the Spanish American War analogy. I never said China was a worse actor in foreign affairs than the U.S., or that China killed hundreds of millions of people, or that they have done more harm in Africa than the West has, or that we should be supporting Bernie. I do, however, believe we on the left ought not be aligning ourselves with an emerging capitalist superpower (I'm sure you disagree with that characterization, but ya'know, gonna have to agree to disagree on that).

      Ask some cubans and Venezuelans and Bolivians and Iranians whose relationship with China and the help they getis the only thing keeping them afloat on how you shouldn’t support either.

      Ask some Vietnamese about their relationship with China. Ya'know, the communist country China invaded and fought with for over a decade? I have much respect for the Cuban and Bolivian revolutions, but I don't need to support China to support them.

      Countries are defined by their history, culture, economic and material development and progress.

      China was a smaller country focused around the east coast, until the Qing dynasty invaded its weaker neighbors and established (roughly) the country's current borders. In fact, there are some fascinating western-style literary works from the Qing dynasty that fit very well with American cowboy tropes about "civilized" easterners bringing "light" to the western frontier. Sounds a lot like... the U.S. Your whole "the Chinese are historically/culturally incapable of imperialism" thing is super weird.

        • skollontai [any]
          4 years ago

          Dude, I really don't get where you're coming from here. You make a lot of wild guesses about what I think or what I believe, but I haven't really made many affirmative claims in our conversation, so I don't know where this shit is coming from. I have to say, you're really not disproving my comment below about the Jack Ma defense squad mostly jousting with strawmen.

            • skollontai [any]
              4 years ago

              I guess the lesson here is, if you want people to engage you in a good faith debate over your novella-length posts, don't reply to them by calling them "insanely dumb" "a hypocrite" and "disgusting" pulling "dumb opinions" "straight out [their] ass." Would've thought that's something you'd have learned as a kid, but I guess not. Still, it's good to get this stuff out of one's system online, before attempting to engage in real-world activism.

              🤣 I'm picturing you tabling on the street somewhere, and someone walks by and makes an obscure analogy to the Russo-Turkish War of 1877 or the Battle of Lissa or something, and you get on a table and start yelling about how they are a grotesque capitalist running dog. Wouldn't end in a victory for the immortal science, I think. 🤣