Hey folks! Y'all are very online, so I'm here to try and put you to work. If you aren't able to participate in IRL antifascist action for whatever reason, the approach I'm advocating for is a great way to involve yourselves both in the greater struggle and in ensuring your own community's safety.

I linked the Intro article with this post, but I also published Part 1 today which is an outline of the specific tactics I'll be discussing in forthcoming articles. Next up, though, will be a detailed step-by-step guide to setting up and maintaining your alt-account on Facebook.

If this idea looks familiar, it's because I posted about it on here awhile back from a different account. I recruited some folks to work on this with me, but too many had issues creating alt-accounts successfully. This time, instead of trying to work directly with people like last time, I'm now working on publishing the ideas and tools you need to do this work on your own. If this interests you, please try to bring your own comrades into it to coordinate their efforts with yours.

I'm probably not going to post on here every time I publish an article unless there's a lot of interest on this post, but if you want to stay tuned then you can always check my Twitter account for updates.

  • Abraxiel
    4 years ago

    Glad to see you on here. Creating a manual for this is very important work and I know there are people here up to the task.