• YoungBelden [any]
    11 months ago

    the first season kinda sucks tbh, i would have given up on it too if it weren't for recommendations from a couple people whose tastes i trust. starts out in the form of meh cable drama but quickly transcends it to become a more interesting study of power dynamics and otherizing, eventually culminating in an exploration of how narratives and metanarratives are shaped by systems of power to reinforce cultural hegemony. or something along those lines, been a while since i watched it

    fwiw it helps to know it's meant to be a prequel to the Treasure Island book rather than a historically accurate depiction of pirates. and a sort of self-reflective story about stories

    • AnneBonny23 [she/her]
      11 months ago

      Black Sails literally radicalized me, I started reading Marxist theory after the third rewatch

      • YoungBelden [any]
        11 months ago

        nice username lol

        i'm about due for another rewatch myself, not many shows make me feel what that one does

    • daisy
      11 months ago

      fwiw it helps to know it's meant to be a prequel to the Treasure Island book rather than a historically accurate depiction of pirates. and a sort of self-reflective story about stories

      Huh, that sounds pretty interesting. I'll give it a second chance. Thanks!