6/10 on IMDB, that's respectable. Scores a relatively low 38% on RT, although that's countered by a high audience engagement score of 69%.

But should I watch this movie??

Says Jake Wilson of The Age: "This is standard horror movie stuff, but also a considered aesthetic, as Wilson underlines by all too briefly bringing on Hiam Abbass as an imperious professor who holds forth about Goya and the need to balance darkness and light." Rating 2.5/5

Says Victoria Luxford of the BBC: "It is a bit formulaic at this point but if you’re looking for something scarier amongst the big action movies this summer this is not a bad choice."

I'll be back later to share my impressions, though they matter little compared to the wider pantheon of professional practitioners.

Edit: My goodness gracious, what a lovely film. Not too scary, more along the lines of a morality play in some ways. Not religious in any way that I could discern. But definitely spiritual. Loved the themes of father son relationships being broken, and just how desperately sad that can be. And of course, the inevitable coming together to re-bond family. Yes, the ending is a bit anti-clamactic, but it was about time we have a happy ending in this series. The rest of the endings in the series have been quite scary and final. Overall gonna go with a 7/10. Normally I would say 8/10, but something in me cannot be so generous.