Me dumb male, me never use deodorant or perfume before (shower everyday tho). What brand or products should me do to smell good but in a low key way? Or just how to get start on the smell good journey in general. For reference, I live in a hot and humid place and I sweat quite a bit. Thanks you!

  • very_poggers_gay [they/them]
    1 year ago

    . Then when you apply it don't spray it directly on you. Fold up a square of toilet paper to about the size of a postage stamp and spray it there. Then use this DIY "applicator" to do a quick wipe on the inside of your wrists, elbows, collar and the center of your chest. You get to smell good without it overpowering yourself or other people.

    my lazy approach is after putting on a t-shirt, i lift my shirt and spray one spray on my tummy, dab my wrists on my tummy, then dab my wrists on my neck and ears cool-bean