Make Godot maps in Trenchbroom or whatever else. There's a 3.x version available as well.

  • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
    1 year ago

    This is great. I've always enjoyed and preferred working with CSG brushes in Hammer Editor and JACK over using modeling software, especially as a programmer, so having this kind of native support for it is nice. stalin-approval Godot is looking more and more attractive each time I read something about it. I'm still using Unity at the moment, but have been planning to look into Godot as soon as it would get first-party support for C# and .NET, which has happened by now I believe. I really despise Unity's direction and management, and the fact the engine is closed source. khrushchev-fist The only thing still holding me back is the fact I've invested so much in Unity, and find it daunting to see a lot of it go to waste. desolate

    • vertexarray [any]
      1 year ago

      I've spent enough time with both engines to know that I only want to make games in Godot due to how it reduces Unity's Scene and Prefab concepts down to one Scene concept — Unity drawing a distinction between the two has always chafed.

    • notceps [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Plugin for Godot to import Quake maps, Trenchbroom is a tool for making Quake maps that is still in use and has a pretty big community, this is pretty nice as Trenchbroom is a pretty good tool for making 'general retro maps'