sicko-fem time to renew your subscription plan dear freedom-and-democracy

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    3 months ago

    The government of Denmark salutes the American people and their sacrifice for making our line go up. Ozempic is currently the main reason why Novo Nordisk is one of the most valuable companies in Europe, and that company is almost single-handedly pulling Denmark out of a recession (on paper, most people here aren't doing too hot, but since when has our shitty fucking SocDems ever given a shit about that)

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Not on paper. Even mainstream media acknowledges that one single drug from one single company is making the difference between growth and recession.

      The political power of shipping giant Mærsk is well-understood by many Danes but it is very rarely you hear anyone talk about the power wielded by Novo. If Mærsk can strongarm the Danish government into doing basically anything it wants, so can Novo.