This person has also said many transphobic and misogynistic things to me before. is a fucking joke, I'm only on here to check trans places everywhere

edit: He's been banned by dessalines. But nutomic (an admin) and davel (an admin and hexbear user) has been defending him in the comments. They should go too, wtf

  • egg1918 [she/her]
    7 days ago

    This fucking scumbag has now commented on here (we can't see because they've been banned for being a piece of shit already). Admins/mods, why the fuck are we federated with this shit? This lying, disgusting piece of shit should be nowhere near hexbear, and the ML admins should be fucking banned as well for associating with this pedophile. I shouldn't have to see any of this shit when I just wanna look at cool commie memes

    Here is their hidden comment in this thread. CW: mentions of violence

    Just to put myself out there, you are cherry picking my responses to bait posters. Can you also provide the context for my comments, or is it going to be loose interpretations to label me as a pedophilia supporter, even though I have been a CSA survivor myself? I understand these things better than most of you do, being at the victim end myself. People in this thread should not make a mockery out of such a sensitive topic.

    This is a constant theme in this Hexbear thread, and frankly speaking, it is disgusting and reactionary. Using any and all means to reverse engineer and justify a wrong notion about someone is horrific. Do it to those who actually deserve it. This social media “cancel” mob trend is frowned upon by the entire world (not just Anglo west) for this reason.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      7 days ago

      I was really confused the first time I read your post. I think the spoiler content is the admin's deleted post, is that right?

      Not trying to be a smart ass, just don't want anyone else to get the wrong impression.

        • Call Me Mañ
          7 days ago

          I think the spoiler content is the admin's deleted post, is that right?

          Yeah, it's a comment from the moderator


          You know that instance admincommunity moderator, right? Because what you are doing is associating the crimes of a random person who has already been banned to an entire instance.

          • egg1918 [she/her]
            7 days ago

            A moderator on your instance that was only banned after this very thread called them out. A moderator that was defending the use of ai to create CSAM material.

            Who your admin then defended in this very thread and was banned.

            ML taking the Ls this morning lmao

            • Call Me Mañ
              7 days ago

              Who your admin then defended in this very thread

              This is news to me. This is pretty bad, but if the guy ended up getting banned, it seems like the admin changed his mind, since bans in .ml must be unanimous between the admins. Your comment asking for defederation before the ban happened sounds pretty reasonable in this context tough.

      • egg1918 [she/her]
        7 days ago

        They were only banned after this thread was posted and after my comment you are replying to.

      • booty [he/him]
        6 days ago

        Two of their admins were in this thread defending the guy, it was only when Dessalines showed up that he got banned.