The hostility. The condescension. Accusations of racism. Accusations of sexism. Being called a Russian agent. Being blamed for Trump's victory. Threats of violence. Ostracism or banning from communities I've been a part of for years.

Nothing really changed with conservatives. They hated me when I was a lib, they hated me now. But holy shit, when I started talking actual leftism around libs, it was like I was leaving a cult.

    • VolcelKnights [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Reading about Weimar Germany tells similar stories of out of touch liberals alienating and dismissing the grievances and frustrations of the working class that attracted them to communism, social democracy, and Nazism/fascism. Meager amounts of power and privilege is incredibly alienating and dehumanizing is it not?

      I like to think that the attitudes of these boutique liberals are reflections of the bourgeoisie themselves. That they are really and truly out of touch, indifferent, delusional, or cynical.