We have little to no control over current events, yet we spend so much time breathing it in and getting outraged at every little controversy. It's a slow-moving trainwreck, and I can't look away.

I'm so envious of the people I know who just don't give a fuck.

I've tried more hobbies and entertaining distractions, but I'm left feeling empty and joyless. Meditation helps, but then I'm right back where I started.

Anyone got any tips?

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ehh! It's me!

    Seriously, though, I have really bad bipolar so I mostly stay home and hate myself. It's not like I've got many options between reading the news and being angry, and after you've done that for a few years you're so full of the toxins of society that it's hard to even enjoy normal things because you know which actresses in that movie were raped by directors or you know that the chocolate in that cake was produced by child slaves or you know that politician everyone likes bombed a medicine factory and murdered tens of thousands of people. You start to see all the blood soaked in to the foundations of your society and once you see it you can't go back or turn away.