Yeah, I just made it.
Subscribe and I'll keep posting the Patreon episodes, hopefully it can serve as a discussion subreddit, and I'm going to restrict posts like /r/BWF does so it won't be banned.
Yeah it seems impossible to start a bad faith sub
Like 5 have gotten banned
I wasn't a Chapo subreddit user, so hopefully it will not flag my account for auto-ban.
So if I just make a new account and like a week later I can make a sub?
A month is the minimum age requirement, and you need karma as well.
It's likely they well connect both accounts with you IP as well.
um no you're not allowed to like this podcast because they talk about ((( E L E C T O R A L I S M )))
I'm an idiot can someone DM me the actual feed? Or is it simply mp3 downloads?
It's their three Patreon episodes so far, like r/BlackWolfFeed for Chapo