• save_vs_death [they/them]
    4 days ago

    can't wait to be put in jordan peterson's chinese cock milking machine because i was caught with half a gram of oregano

  • TheDoctor [they/them]
    4 days ago

    We’ve developed the ability to cure trauma in a matter of minutes.

    That’s incredible. What sort of things will it be used for?

    Mostly manipulating nonviolent prisoners into being more submissive.

    These people are visionless losers on top of being liars and their lack of empathy would be pathetic if it wasn’t being rewarded so heavily by porky

  • RedWizard [he/him]
    4 days ago

    Star Trek: Deep Space 9 - Season 4, Episode 19 "Hard Time"

    Chief O'Brien is unjustly convicted of espionage on the planet Argratha. Instead of incarcerating convicts, the Argrathi correctional facility implants them with memories of years of imprisonment in a few hours of actual time. O'Brien experiences twenty years in prison before his fellow officers can extract him from the situation.

    • Gamer_time [he/him]
      4 days ago

      DS9: "S4 E19: Don't Create the Torment Nexus"

      Techbros: "We've created the Torment Nexus from popular show, DS9!"

      • RedWizard [he/him]
        4 days ago

        It's so hard to watch. That show has episodes that, even if I've seen them a dozen times, they still get me, and Hard Time is one of them.

    • peppersky [he/him, any]
      4 days ago

      I'm watching Voyager and there's an episode where one of the characters goes to the brig for thirty days and when he complains to the ships doctor that he is going crazy the doctor just answers: "that's the idea."

      Voyager really kinda sucks

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 days ago

    even pretending like this wouldn't be horrifically exploited to do unimaginable cruelty to people, the value proposition here is "what they experience as decades of punishment, in real life it's just a few minutes, they can be right back to work." fucking great.

    makes me think of that black mirror christmas episode part with jon hamm training the "egg" device and how they "break" the cloned consciousness of a virtual personal assistant by making it experience months of "infinite nothingness" in seconds to get it to cooperate with instructions.

    whoever dreamed up this b.s. should have a radio collar fitted to them and be monitored.

    • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
      4 days ago

      what they experience as decades of punishment, in real life it's just a few minutes, they can be right back to work

      Isn't this literally a Black Mirror episode?

      Edit: now that I remember the torture was applied to a perfect copy of the person's mind, not to the person itself. But the point of its inhumanity still stands.

    • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
      4 days ago

      we invented a machine that give you CPTSD in less than a smoke break. we believe this will increase productivity for workers and businesses.

  • laziestflagellant [they/them]
    4 days ago

    One of the few bright sides to catastrophic climate change is knowing that sci fi horror bullshit like this will never come to fruition as much as techbros will crow and bleat about it

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    4 days ago

    I remember them floating this idea some years back and people rightfully called it out for torture that it is. So they're actually serious about it now?

  • waluigiblunts [he/him]
    4 days ago

    Literally that meme about North Korean TIME PRISON, where 30 seconds feels like 50 YEARS

  • Owl [he/him]
    4 days ago

    If this wasn't obviously a grift I'd be horrified.