think its interestingly written review sadness-abysmal

Zone of Interest is, more than a dramatization of the Holocaust, a dramatization of the dialectic of enlightenment that led to it, and that continues to animate present conditions: from the world-historical crime of American mass-incarceration, to Frontex, to the hyper-violent exploitation of African mine workers. The Zone of Interest extends over the globe, the food is nurtured by ash, the water runs clear over the bones of the dead. It is only through the anti-empathetic camera of Glazer that we can reach such a conclusion.

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    3 months ago

    Lol That Dang Dad already did a better version of this article as a video essay on YouTube wonder if the author watched that before writing this.

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        3 months ago

        You should look up the video. It's not about the medium it's about how it was constructed and how it hits you with the point about our own complicity and complacency toward the end. Go watch it.

      3 months ago

      I enjoyed both tbh, good shout on the video, but i liked the article a lot

      might actually go for dialectic of enlightenment now

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        3 months ago

        Yeah it isn't a bad article but I felt like TTD did a great job of building it up before slapping the audience with the whole "And you are doing this right now" whereas the article leads with that and could have been better if it was ordered more like the video.