Best anime I've seen in ages

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 days ago

    It's two hours of the most meticulously beautiful hand draw animation. It's utterly batshit bonkers wacky racers in space. It's silly and fun and you should absolutely watch it. The hero has a pompadour and drives like a 70s muscle car against people racing in hover tanks and space ships.

    Cw: some awooga, cartoon violence, but it's been a few years so idk what else, but it's so ridiculous gorgeous.

    • Egon [they/them]
      4 days ago

      A lot of the awooga was fine for me though, because it was more like "she's chilling in her house and its hot out, of course she's topless." Still spray-bottle because the context of the movie makes it clear it's hornybait and not just "showing a woman being normal about her body" but it is showing a woman being normal. Overall a 5/10 on th- NOOOOO NO OFFICERS I DIDNT MEAN ANY OF IT YOU TOOK ME OUT OF CONTEXT NOOO
      volcel-judge Bake 'em away, toys.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        4 days ago

        Yeah that's fair. it's definitely an "awooga" scene, but you're right, she is just wandering around the house watching TV.