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  • mathemachristian [he/him]
    3 months ago

    It's these kinds of post that made me go vegan last december (3 weeks before christmas lol, kind of upended some christmas plans with my family).

    Non-human animals continue to be exploited because humans have established that they are allowed to on the basis of such hierarchical domination, hierarchical domination that scares me because of my own oppression.

    That argument is what made it finally click for me, if the capitalists can do to animals what they are doing now, why would I be safe? The cow is more of a comrade than the mcdonalds clown. My allegiance should be clear. I didn't even know about the more heinous aspects of animal ag, like what dairy cows go through. I actually just learned about that today. But it is clear, even without going into the tortuous details of animal husbandry, who is the oppressed and who is the oppressor and therefore who my allegiance should be to is as well. And once that thought appeared, I couldn't go back anymore. Either I had to stomach the hipocrisy and be able to live with myself or go vegan and going vegan was the easier route.

    I don't see animal flesh and secretions as food anymore

    That's a weird feeling for me, stuff that I used to love to eat now absolutely revolts me. That saying about "how the sausage is made" is a literal fact for me. For example I don't really have a moral argument against scavenging, like "what if an animal peacefully died in your arms" or some other contrived example omnis come up with, it just disgusts me.

    the hard part is getting used to it socially and getting frustrating questions.

    I still need to tell my wife that the "cute" farm and zoo books we have for our son gotta go and that we shouldn't accept animal ag propaganda as gifts from grandparents. Not something I'm looking forward too.

    • mathemachristian [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Also my first instinct after seeing a life end probably wouldn't be "Alright lets dig in! Finally! Vegan meat!"