• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    5 days ago

    This has got to be an american civic religion thing where they view elections as a sacrament and a good unto themselves without concern for outcomes.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      5 days ago

      Vote for me! And then after I win... Erm... You will have voted and showed you much value the democracy of these United States! This glorious City on a Hill may have darkened a bit now but its light will...


      It's utterly bizarre. Biden and the DC democrats won't even lie and say if they grab the reigns of power they'll do something. Their entire shtick begins and ends with the word "vote".

    • PKMKII [none/use name]
      5 days ago

      It’s also this weird thing where they constantly think the electoral systems are frail and on the verge of collapse. There was a lot of that in 2000, pundits freaking out that if Gore didn’t concede the election quick enough it was going to mean the end of the Constitution. And I’m not talking the partisan Republican press, like normie press.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    5 days ago

    I disagree with the genocide you are committing, sir. But I will defend to the death your right to commit genocide.

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      5 days ago


      They really do get especially insufferable when they realize they're wrong so they have to completely fall back on the platitudes and thought terminating cliches.



      (editor's note: the character in question is in the process of making the call on who wins the election, but she's sad because it's the end of democracy)

      • Black_Mald_Futures [any]
        5 days ago

        What if we decided the real winner of the election was the friends we made along the way

      5 days ago

      Well in 2024, they'll blame us instead of the guy who did the things that made him unelectable, but until 2027 primary or so, a lot of them will pretend to want the same things we want. Then when primary season comes, we're back to 2016/2020 "actually we need to appeal to <demographic that hates healthcare and loves tax cuts for billionaires>".

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      5 days ago

      Biden wins: Haha we don't need you tankies

      Biden loses: NOOOOOO we're never going to have elections again!

      fast forward to 2028

      We have to vote for candidate 98.995% Hitler, or Mecha Hitler will win and suspend elections!

  • alexandra_kollontai [she/her]
    5 days ago

    I'm voting for Biden because I want us to still have elections

    I'm voting for Trump because I don't want you to still have elections. I think it would be funny if presidential elections ended after this year actually

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    5 days ago

    i am impressed with their acceptance of the idea that 4 more years of biden is somehow going to shore up and strengthen democracy, instead of, y'know, facilitate the destruction of all democratic institutions like the first 4 years of biden has been doing.

    like, somehow, the wheels have come completely off this thing and the libs are like, "we gotta do a lot more of this, even if it means the executive is controlled by an opaque committee of courtiers and the second wife of a whispering corpse."

  • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    5 days ago

    You are voting for him my dude. That is the highest endorsement that you, as a voter that (presumably) does not have a wad of cash to throw at him, can give.

    Your ballot is counted exactly the same as the person who is thrilled Joe Biden is killing Palestinians and jailing Hispanics.

  • macabrett[they/them]
    5 days ago

    None of them ever question the system that has them saying shit like "I'd rather vote for the candidate equivalent of doing glass ass to myself than..."

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    5 days ago

    How about you nut up and demand better leaders instead of being a coward and settling for what your masters force upon you.

    That's what liberals are at the end of the day, cowards. The idea of fighting to change the status quo is a fairy tale to them because they fear retribution from their masters. They don't want to be uncomfortable even for a second and they're willing to sacrifice everyone for it.

  • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    5 days ago

    i would rather vote for the torture nexus, but i'm very serious when i say you have to vote for the corpse

    LIBs chronically having the most deranged takes of all time and thinking it's rhetoric.

  • TemutheeChallahmet [none/use name]
    4 days ago

    I want to choke these people and shake them, and drill in their heads that trying to outdo one another in declaring just how shitty of a candidate Biden can be and still not lose their vote is purely preaching to the choir, and makes Democrats appear in the eyes of casual voters as if they are performing some sort of death pact or pain pig cum tribute.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      5 days ago

      Libs love to use constructions like "I don't agree with X. But, look, Y is worse so...". They don't care if they paint themselves into a corner. They can use phrases like "Democracy isn't perfect. The hard reality is that we need to win elections." It's bad enough if X is is dems pols saying they are okay with destroying homeless encampments. Arguing libs can still believe they won the argument and be self-righteous too. They can even though in an obnoxious comment like "You don't understand how politics works."

      But in this case X is literal genocide. That means they are either foolish or lying or creepy or some combination.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    5 days ago

    Lmao even the deepest red states still have elections, as heavily gerrymandered and rigged as they are.

  • plinky [he/him]
    5 days ago

    but you don't vote for captcha electrocuting you, you vote for captcha killing people over there. (and i sincerely doubt this guy will live with electrocution machine longer than a day before voting trump)

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      5 days ago

      When there's political violence between leftists and police - I bet both those posters will be quick on the draw to lecture the net with phrases like "Don't give the fascists an excuse to be even worse." But those posters won't have anything to say about what to do when the cops aren't handing out citations - they are handing out nightstick fractures.