I'm 27 personally, and haven't been in any sort of romantic relationship or even kissed on the lips.
Now I'm at the point where I wanna wait til' I have my own place before I make any serious attempt at it, cuz I don't want to be judged for still living at home (Don't have a high enough income to move out).
I feel like once I seriously try though, I'll find someone eventually. I at least have that much confidence and self-esteem to know that I'm not unfuckable or anything like that.
Western nations have an unhealthy oversexualised society where people grow thinking they have to become adults fast, lose their virginity, worship sex, etc.
I lost my virginity around when I was 20, that day two ridiculous toxic myths our society promotes got debunked:
(1) Having sex with a female virgin is special and desirable: it's shit, boring and painful for your partner. I really don't understand how this myth got created, I guess Christianity is a hell of a drug
(2) Sex is something special and unique. Sex will solve all your problems: the first time I had sex I was like "this is it?". It was absolute shit, painful for me and painful for my partner. I felt I was lied, I wasn't actually missing out on anything. After me and my girlfriend had more sex, we improved and enjoyed much more, but I still think sex is hugely overrated. The only way sex changed my life was in noticing that sex is nothing out of the ordinary and it wasn't life changing at all. Now I live much more relaxed knowing that I'm not missing on anything
If you want to know what is truly life changing: having a partner that truly loves you and you love. Building your life together and helping each other. Go in on adventures and enjoy like best friends.
I know this is not much, but I hope it helps someone, especially those who feel they are hideous. I used to suffer a lot because of this