I'm 27 personally, and haven't been in any sort of romantic relationship or even kissed on the lips.

Now I'm at the point where I wanna wait til' I have my own place before I make any serious attempt at it, cuz I don't want to be judged for still living at home (Don't have a high enough income to move out).

I feel like once I seriously try though, I'll find someone eventually. I at least have that much confidence and self-esteem to know that I'm not unfuckable or anything like that.

  • coomsockrates [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Human connection, or the lack of it, is something can change you as a person (but doesn’t have to).


    There’s a difference between human interaction in general and a relationship, which I thought we were talking about here

    Also you

    We are clearly not talking about realtionships, I thought I made this crystal clear by saying:

    I am not talking about sex here in terms of human connection mind you, being isolated from any human interaction has been proven [i dont have the citation on me rn] to cause real psychological harm, whether the person wants it to or not.

    Be clearer next time by what you mean by "human connection", you just effectively strawmanned my position into something twisted and morally bankrupt.

    I dont hold this against you, mods must have a tough job fighting against the various reactionaries hungry to destroy this site. I think we agree with each other but are just arguing out of habit at this point lol