Where do we begin with Elon Musk? This guy sucks. He really does. He’s a business magnate that wants to be Robert House, not realizing how much Robert House was an asshole. Imagine basing your politics of a vidya. While his cars are nice, he’s abusive to his staff, randomly fires people, and he takes all the credit for any successes in his companies. Give him your worst

  • NPa [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I hope he lives a long and fulfilling life once he is separated from his money and sent to the gulag. He's gonna harvest the shit out of some carrots and make beautiful pickles to share with his neighbors, he's gonna raise that XÆ12 metal rat person to be a well-adjusted and happy adult, he's gonna carve his own furniture.

    Once he finally sees that it was never about the money, it was only his own deep neuroses, insecurity and the reward structure of capitalism that led him to be a shit human being, he's gonna cry a little on his porch as the sun sets, vermilion and cerulean swirls a more beautiful sight than any corporate bonus or secured funding.

    At that point, I step out of the shadows and activate my vintage Boring Company Flamethrower (tm).