I had the strangest nightmare yesterday.

I was flying in a plane as a copilot. The flight was a dream afair so we were flying through water and strange lands in sinusoidal trajectories.

After a short while we noticed an UFO. The pilot panicked and we crashed. I appeared instantly outside of the plane and we noticed the UFO in the sky moving strangely.

The UFO landed directly in my hands and it was a white ball about 15 cms in diameter. At this point I woke up shouting what the hell is this, which actually never happened to me before.

Any interpretations? Strange dreams thread?

  • RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It's pretty clear: You are repressing your fantasies about Harry Potter due to peer pressure.

    You see, you are in a plane, a very phalic thing, that symbolize your sexuality. You think you are "driving" it, but you are only a co pilot. Yet, you are fine, because everything is ok in the travel (your sexual life).

    Something strange and unexpected happen: a UFO.

    The weird thing totally paralizes you, crashing your sexuality to a halt. But when you are left alone, then you discover that the menace isn't there, the strange scary UFO just kindly appears to you. And in a way that reminds you how Harry Potter cared for the snitch.

    That's it, you need more HP porn.

    • diode [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I am one of the few people who read the first 6 hp books, but never read the 7th one. I have it in my library, too. Just stopped giving a crap when it released. Maybe I should read it? But won't I catch liberalism from it?

      • RNAi [he/him]
        4 years ago

        You probably will. It happened me something like that with "Lightbringer", I read all of them like a maniac but I left the last book around halfway. sad.

  • RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I can reply "that's a penis" to every phrase.

  • cumslutlenin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I have really fucked up sleep so I've done a lot of reading about dreams, enjoy this cringey serious answer:

    Co-pilot: So this is a situation in which you lack the experience or knowledge to take control. Someone else is in charge of this journey, one which you find strange. You're along for the ride, but not solely as a passenger—you feel some responsibility.

    Sinusoidal: Wave-like, up and down, from one strange landscape to another, almost...dialectical? You brought this dream to the great Posadist minds of chapo.chat, so maybe this dream felt a little bit like the movements of history that we've all been experiencing this year...

    The UFO: An unknown force from the future, causing panic and destruction (although its actual intentions aren't known), which proves to be unknowable even when it's literally in your hands. You can observe this force up close, but you're still no closer to understanding it.

    But that's me. The real questions to ask with a strange dream are usually "how did it make me feel?" and "what other things in my life make me feel that way?"

  • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hmm. The particular dimensions of the UFO and the nature of the plane flight mean that the proper psychoanalytic interpretation of this dream is self-evident:

    You want to fuck your mom.

    • diode [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I thought that the thing he was sniffing would be a small little girl. Like a fairy.

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    4 years ago

    Flying through strange lands towards a UFO seems symbolic of going forward into an uncertain future. Being the copilot could imply a feeling of not being in control, and the plane crashing could represent someone else failing to respond to something unexpected/unknown. There's plenty of hellworld stuff that could fit into, and if you're here then you're probably worried about that stuff, so I'm gonna guess that it was something like that - COVID, the election, etc. (though it's still possible there's something in your personal life that fits). The last bit could mean that you feel that the issue is/will be "in your hands" so to speak, that it's up to you to figure it out and deal with it.

    Your subconscious is saying do praxis, lol. That's my interpretation anyway.

  • diode [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Also do you have any recurring dreams? Like every couple of months I have a dream in which I spit all of my teeth into a sink or some other thing. Is this a common recurrent dream, like the person falling and waking up?

    Do you think UFOs are real?

    • cumslutlenin [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The teeth dream is very common and cross-cultural—apparently there's some evidence that it's correlated with grinding your teeth in your sleep, although maybe not caused by it.

      I have recurring dreams about finding snakes in my house, just had one last night. I don't live in a place where snakes are a big deal; I think I've had the dreams more often than I've seen actual snakes. Idk about UFOs.

    • ratlicker [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I used to have recurring nightmares centred around other people not being able to hear me/completely ignoring me. Haven't had one of those in a while though.

      Nowadays my dreams have two major recurring locations, both of them dollar stores. I had a dream the other night in which I got in to an argument with a bunch of old ladies at one of them.

  • Phish [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    You're searching for something but you don't know exactly what. As you go through your daily life, you don't feel completely in control of things. You feel like you've ventured out into something unfamiliar and it's causing you stress. You want very badly to find something obvious that gives you meaning, but you don't know what you'd do even if you found it.

    IDK I'm just spitballing here.