Still new here and trying to figure things out. Regarding voting, I'd like to get some feedback on some thoughts I've had.
I get that voting D/R is pointless since Ds just seatwarm for Rs at best, and actively implement R policies at worst. They have no incentive to work for left policies, and R policies will ultimately benefit them personally.
That being said, we're "punished" for not voting D by getting an actual insane R in office. If Rs are in control its way worse, right? or, maybe it has to get worse to get better?
So what is the dominant strategy here for National elections? My personal vote is extremely minor and unimportant so keeping that in mind, I can:
not vote - Lower participation rate shows I don't endorse the system, and if enough people don't vote, does it mean anything?
vote third party - I like this idea since, although super unlikely, it gives more pressure to D and R to moderate (lol) as neither want to lose power. Write in votes aren't going to turn in to anything big without some serious organizing, but I don't know if there's ever been a serious attempt to organize a mass write in campaign? Or if there will even be a viable third party candidate in 2024?
vote D - 🤮
Something else?
I haven't seen this discussed much in the short time I've been here so maybe I'm missing something obvious or misunderstanding something above, so would appreciate any help. Maybe the real answer is it really doesn't matter, but would like to make the best limited choice I can
Lol fuck that. The seat isn't "warned" if you vote for them regardless of what kind of warmongering neoliberal ghoul they shove down your throat. Grow a spine, set your minimum standards, and tell 'em they can fuck off until they give you what you want.
I made the decision a long time ago that I would never, under any circumstances, vote for a hawk. Didn't vote for Obama, didn't vote for Hillary, didn't (and won't) vote for Biden. These people were all deeply involved in lying to you to conduct decades-long wars of agression that cost hundreds of thousands of lives. That is fundamentally disqualifying, but you liberals don't give a shit because you think Iraqis and Afghans are subhuman. Fuck off with your liberal bullshit.