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    • Wheaties [she/her]
      2 months ago

      your boring normie centrist has been running to the right to outflank the protofascist on immigration policy and he's supplying arms and funding to an ongoing genocide

      • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        But don't you get it, if we give him our unconditional support he might end the genocide sooner than Trump probably would

        He's definitely gonna do good stuff in his second term, just like Obama did, we just have to vote for him and ignore all the 'unpalatable' stuff he does

      • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
        2 months ago

        The Overton window in America is such that Kissinger is merely 'controversial'

        The horrors we conducted in Cambodia and Laos are 'controversial'

        Mass slaughter is not a deal breaker to libs

    • iie [they/them, he/him]
      2 months ago
      1. Are the Democrats acting like they think a dictator is about to abolish their party and execute all of them? Is that them over there sitting around doing nothing?

      2. if your vote is guaranteed, i don't know why you expect the Democratic party to ever do anything you want. We have been voting for the lesser evil for generations and look where it has brought us. When does that stop? We have a climate crisis. No one can afford to fucking pay their bills. We are waging two proxy wars. When does this fucking stop?

      2 months ago

      One is a desperate boring fascist genocidal maniac and the other is a protofascist genocidal maniac

    • Awoo [she/her]
      2 months ago

      Both are in fact working for exactly the same interests, yes. They function in concert with one another to keep you rabid about each of them instead of the man actually wearing the puppets.

      The outcome of their political "conflict" will be exactly what they want it to be and the belief you have any impact on this struggle at all outside of threatening them with revolution is laughable.


      This false conflict successfully convinces you to fight a non-existent political performance built on kayfabe while ignoring the real enemy.

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      Is Trump really going to be that bad? Damn. Maybe Biden should do something about it as President, and also stop tanking his election by supporting a genocide.

    • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      You know what, you've convinced me

      I'm gonna vote in the most important election in our lifetime

      I'll be writing in Death to


    • SovietyWoomy [any]
      2 months ago

      We vote for the person we can negotiate with

      Roe v Wade is dead. Homelessness is criminalized. The rail union was crushed. Funding for nazis and zionists remains a top priority. Biden bragged about finally beating medicare and called Trump his colleague. Wages remain low while unchecked nationwide price gouging and collusion have caused the cost of living to skyrocket. Landlords are continuing to gobble up housing and steal from tenants with the full support of the capitalist legal system.

      Contrary to blue maga belief, negotiating doesn't mean preemptively surrending and letting the other side do whatever they want with your full support.

    • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
      2 months ago

      We vote for the person we can negotiate with.

      Legitimately, how do we negotiate with biden and what concessions do you think we can win?

      not like that example where tens of millions died during the transition. No, not that other example either.

      What examples are you talking about?

      Go back to needless infighting until you’re irrelevant again.

      There are explicit rules against infighting, I really don't see much here. Every now and again I'll see someone say anarchists don't have a plan.

    • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
      2 months ago

      Its wild that instead of responding to anyone you made an entire seperate comment to attempt to lecture with no push back. Instead of coming off as the sole genius amung us rubes you instead look deeply unserious.

        • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
          2 months ago

          Don’t you hate it when people from other instances parachute in and refuse to argue in good faith?

          brigading jesse-wtf

          I don't give a shit about whatever seething rage your projecting onto me. I called you out for being a cowardly loser. Argue in good faith, argue in bad faith, just actually argue if your going to pretend to be so smart everyone should strongly care about what you have to say.

                • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
                  2 months ago

                  I understood that part of your comment, I had other questions though. My biggest one is how do we negotiate with biden, and what do you think we can win? From my perspective, he is unwilling to give me anything I want. How do we push him left? How left do you think he will go?

                  edit: oops, looks like they're banned. I guess I'll never know how we can push biden to the left by voting for him.

    • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
      2 months ago


      What are they yapping about

      Edit: if you think Donald Trump is that bad and that Joe Biden is answerable to the public, then maybe Joe Biden should just kill Donald Trump. Maybe if Joe Biden doesn't even feel that strongly about opposing him, they might not be that different.

    • ashinadash [she/her]
      2 months ago

      You want him to win, accelerating things towards total social collapse so a communist utopia can successfully rise like it did in other places?

      If accelerationism were reliable this would be very funny ngl. Given that Biden is a walking corpse with gravy for a brain though, he's probably the accelerationist candidate now

        • ashinadash [she/her]
          2 months ago

          Biden is hot off heavily implying he wants war with China, is that what you mean? Also while Trump is far from being a spring chicken, and is something of a genocide supporter himself, he at least hasn't called himself a black woman this week.

          Also you realise that this isn't some trick question, and I'm not advocating voting for one or the other, right?

            • ashinadash [she/her]
              2 months ago

              Because both solely serve the interests of the ruling class and the military industrial complex? Biden has happily continued Trump-era wall-building policies, keeping kids in cages at the border, he's even reintroducing Trump-era hunting laws just for fun. They are the same guy.

              Why would you show support for a genocidaire by voting for him? Do you not give a damn about the tens of thousands murdered in Israel's genocide?

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            2 months ago

            Not that they need the help lookin silly mari-smug

            Edit: COMM BAN FOR BAD FAITH, sheesh!

            • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
              2 months ago

              The moment they actually started responding they got banned? 8 months of waiting just wiped away? Mods are brutal. xi-clap

              Rest in piss NatoNazi.

              wall pit how-compelling-flipped

              • ashinadash [she/her]
                2 months ago

                The fact that this loser waited that long to do this is just... che-smile

      2 months ago

      It’s completely allowed to both think Biden is the best pick while objectively knowing that he is controlled opposition. The system deserves to be mocked, and I’ll do it while voting for Sleepy Joe.

      Why do you feel the need to defend this broken system with so much energy?

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        2 months ago

        I like that you're clowning this nerd, but I gotta ask - why give your vote to the guy that stamps his approval on billions sent to help zionists commit genocide?

          2 months ago

          Someone close to me works for the federal government. He is administrative staff supporting government ecologists, and they’re fearing a Trump presidency. Project 2025 will destroy our national parks and ruin years of ecological research, at minimum.

          Both candidates will send money in support of genocide. One candidate will dismantle our federal systems (the good ones people forget about) and kill trans kids.

          I can’t in good conscience pretend both old men are equally harmful.

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            2 months ago

            So why would you give your tacit support via voting to one of them? Just for the parks and federal systems, eschewing all the genocide and that Biden has happily let all kinds of transphobic bills slide through under his watch? That announcement about NO SURGERY FOR TRANS MINORS?

              2 months ago

              I get your point of view but I’m not going to argue with you further. I have lost rights to my own bodily autonomy (I am equipped with a uterus) due to trumps judicial picks. I saw the damage done due to his COVID policies. I live in a red state. You can’t convince me that using my vote for Biden isn’t harm reduction.

              When y’all decide to do something more with your time other than argue on the internet with people who mostly agree with you, let me know. I will vote in the most pragmatic way I can until there is a better option.

              • ashinadash [she/her]
                2 months ago

                Biden did not lift so much as a finger to protect your bodily autonomy despite the ability to and knowledge ahead of time that it would be repealed. He's not been helping either of us and he won't start if he wins again. No dem will. Biden was also in office when a large amount of covid policies were rolled back. Biden's admin just released a bait-statement scaremongering about trans people. Biden is funding and approving a genocide. Where is the harm reduction?

                We do not exactly agree but I'm not trying to be argumentitive. My asking was sincere, not some attempt at a dunk. Those are reserved for zionists and such.