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  • hotcouchguy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Someone's streaming from jail in Louisville, lol. Just streaming dudes in processing hanging out and shooting the shit.

    • Lightmare [any]
      4 years ago



        • Lightmare [any]
          4 years ago

          true story

          many modern psychiatric institutions are exactly this (in more liberal states)

          schizophrenics, autistics, failed suicides, bipolars, etc. that are institutionalized are almost all leftists. I did not meet one chud. You get free food for life and don’t have to work. You’re surrounded by comrades.

          Often I preferred my institutionalization to being on the outside. The nurses and patients really cared about me and liked me and I got to read books and be in the garden all day. I could also just do crazy things like scream LIBERATION and nobody would bat an eye and that’s a very cool feeling

          jails are similar, but obviously more violent and dangerous. this is how the Maoist prison ministry thing works, multiple Maoist parties actually germinated in a cell - like CPI (Maoist)

          (personal experience, outside of the US)


          neurodivergent people rock, yes of course the institutions are fundamentally oppressive but the people inside them are wonderful. The food sucks though

            • Lightmare [any]
              4 years ago

              it’s like a negation of life in the imperial core and it was actually quite pleasant

              again, everything in capitalism is a lie

              • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                shame im in the u.s

                pretty sure any attempt to get into this mecca of leftist community living would just result in cops shooting me for posing a threat.

                assuming the idea even held water in the u.s in the first place. i know basically nothing about u.s institutionalization

                • Lightmare [any]
                  4 years ago


                  mental health, rehabilitation, prison abolition are all extremely important superstructural contradictions to resolve in the broader liberatory struggle

                  people don’t magically become empathetic, it’s not just a matter of shallow economism as introductory Marxism pretends - it requires active cultural and interpersonal struggle

                  fight for it and never give up comrade :hammerandsickle:

          • drugs [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            Do you know if there's anything written about this phenomenon? This makes a ton of sense to me and I'd love to learn more if there's more to learn.

            • Lightmare [any]
              4 years ago

              Personal experience and reading a bunch of left books - nothing specific comes to mind

              oppressed people turn out to be very nice

              • drugs [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Word, yeah, figured that was a long shot. Would make for some great reporting or research though.

      • hotcouchguy [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Law is fake but jail is real.

        Definitely full of potential comrades though.