This is reminiscent of when Trump used to call in to Fox News.

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Wait, where's the gaffe? Is he not just reading quotes that he disagrees with?

    • dead [he/him]
      3 months ago

      You're right. When he says that he's reading from a list of lies, he's referring to a list of trump quotes from the debate. However you can also hear him shuffling the papers loudly. I am inclined to believe that there is more notes or a script written down that he's reading from.

      The gaffes are not limited to the twitter clip. I included the screenshot of a tweet as the main post because it's more eye catching. When a hexbear post links directly to an article or a youtube video, not as many people pay attention to it. This post is meant to be about the entire 20 minute call in.

      Like at the start of the interview, he says that he won the democratic primary and therefore deserves the nomination. This is bullshit because he ran uncontested and many states did not even list any alternative candidates. Also there was the uncommitted campaign where like over 10% of primary voters voted against him even though he was the only candidate running.

      There's also a few moments in the interview where he jumbles his words and makes some screech noises. (05:36, 09:45, 11:35) This is what I meant by "glitched out".

      He starts reading from the Trump quotes around 17:00 and you can hear him flipping through pages. This is significant because people have been making the point that he's not coherent when he not reading from a script or notes. During the debate, he had no notes and spoke complete nonsense. After the debate, he gave a speech from a teleprompter and sounded better than the debate. Bidenists use moments where he reads from a script as evidence that he has cognitive ability, but when he's not reading from something he speaks in nonsense.

      Besides the gaffe moments, he's also been shifting his messaging towards being a warmonger. He brags about expanding NATO and talks about expansion into the Pacific, targeting China.

      The gaffe is throughout the whole interview. I recommend watching the whole video.

      // Also calling in to the morning news to try to shift public opinion is a gaffe in itself. It is something that Trump did many times during his presidency and people made fun of him for that. Biden is taking on another trait of Trump. He got an orange spray tan after the debate. He has his fail son at the white house giving him advice. He's doing Trump's border policy. Now he's calling in to morning news shows to correct the record, so to say.

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        3 months ago

        Ah, now it makes sense. Reading talking points off a paper isn't that bad but those other gaffes are just the cherry on top of the sundowning pie.