Days without a bridge failure:
Temperatures in NYC have reached their highest point so far this year, with Central Park reading 95°F (35°C) yesterday. This will be the 5th straight day with temperatures above 90°F (32.2°C). New York City sees 15 days reach 90°F (32.2°C) per year on average.
MFW we’re literal pro-China leftists, and I think more of us care about the well-being of this country than its so-called “patriots” that are running it right now.
"Liberte, egalite, fraternite"
The things that pull most people left in an idealistic way are really just flavors of compassion & justice, imo. So you would kinda naturally care more than the deranged leadership we have.
Mainly it’s because I do not want to die on one of Americas failing bridges or be crushed by some janky overpass.